Where it happened: on an island
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Tell you all about the story later, but first…
I thought this site was for the purpose of people relating the accounts of their first sexual experiences. These stories serve an actual purpose: for each and every one of us to see just how unique AND how similar our excperiences are. Too many people are abusing this site to slam on their ex’es or slam on those who post on the site and thrust their opinion on the virtues of abstinence on the rest of us.
Just because one is no longer a virgin does not automatically make them a pervert. It is, in fact, possible to be a fully-functioning human being even though one had chosen to explore their sexuality. Some would assume that once one has lost their virginity, they become animals; this is not the case. Like it or not, it is possible for non-virgins to be virtuous. One can still be a good person while exploring and enjoying their sexuality. If you find the idea of consensual premarital sex or any other positive form of sexual expression to be abhorrent or an affront to your religious or moral beliefs, you should never have logged onto this site in the first place. Despite your rantings, some of us have chosen to explore the gift of sexuality that our creator (whomever we believe them to be) has bestowed upon us. Simply because we lost our virginity outside the constraints of marriage does not make us “bad people”…what it makes us is HUMAN. We have become aware of this gift and we are reveling in its existence.
Granted, not all first sexual experiences are great; some are, and can be, quite traumatic. If your experience fits into the traumatic mold and you chose to relate your tale here, we applaud your courage and wish you godspeed on your road to recovery. Talking about it is a good first step in dealing with the pain your experience may have caused. Don’t let it stop there; if your situation still causes you pain, seek professional help.
Oh, yeah…gotta mention the safe sex thing. I know this firsthand because I participated in the ceremony that put a panel for my cousin on the NAMES project quilt that stands as a memorial to those who have died of AIDS. Please Please Please…use a condom and practice safe sex!!
Anyway, I thought that needed to be said. Gotta tell you all the island story when I have the time. Have fun and enjoy yourselves…and each other!! Bye all…:)