Where it happened: In Her Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
At the time I was messing around with this 0ne fine azz gurl…the only catch waz that she waz the sko0 hoe…o well…unfortunately I found that out after I fucked her…0 well…that’s neither here nor there…so my first tyme happend wen I was 15 nd she waz 14….it was a friday nite nd it waz alm0Zt midnite…I waz textin her bout if I kan kome 0va her houze kuzz her parentz wernt g0nna be h0me till the next m0rning….so she said yea nd I jumped in the whip nd drove 2 her houZe….I sneaked in thruu the back kuzz I didn want any 0f her neighb0rz seein me….I met her in the back nd she waz wearin nutin bt a t-shirt…lol…my t-shirt I let her borrow for P.E. I picked her up nd set her 0n the kitchen kounter nd we started makin 0ut…shez a freak s0 0f kourze shez givin me tounge nd feelin 0n my dick….I started suckin 0n her neck nd I took off the shirt nd sucked on her tittiez….btich waz goin krazzy….I led her upstairs nd I layed her 0n her bed…by that tyme she had takin 0ff all my clothez…imprezzive I th0t…haha…I didn uZe a rubber bt o well…diZ bitch wanted me nd I wanted her…so I stuck my 7″ in her nd started tearin dat up fo a gud 30 min…I went hard kuzz I knew it wazn her 1zt tyme s0 the bitch kould take it…afta dat she said she wanted 2 suck me up…so im lyke sure…nd no joke diZ bitch made me see starZ…fuckin beZt feeling nd beZt head eva….handz d0wn…she knew wat she waz doin…I kame in her mouff nd she spit it 0ut….I wiped off the reZt nd started hittin fr0m the back…she had neva d0ne anal b4 s0 I took it slow….she waz skreamin…lol…bt az tyme went 0n she gt uZed 2 it…afta dat she gt 0n top nd startin bouncin 0n my dick lyke a fuckin pr0….shit at the tyme I konzidered myself the luckiezt kid at sko0….we both kame at the same tyme nd we were exhauzted…it waz 3 in the morning bt we were still ready f0r m0re…so we gt in the shower nd I fucked her in there…she sucked me up again too….beZt nite ever!!! Lol…im 20 n0w and had sex with 3 gurlZ after her…dey were all decent bt n0t anywer near az gud or experienced az she waz…bt o well she waz a hoe then nd she m0Zt certainly iz still a hoe n0w….bt I havn tawked 2 her in yeaRz…thanX f0r the azz bitch….duecez