This isn’t a happy story of how I lost it. It isnt a cute clumsy romantic or akward. This is the story of how I lost tmy best friend, and the greatest thing in my life.
I went over to his house, one evening. I had been talking to him about sex for a few weeks, but I had gone over to simply say that I was not going any father then him going down on me. I was excited. We got to the part I was about to say no at and I couldn’t stop. The feeling was mind blowing. But when he tried to push in, it hurt too bad, andi stopped it. Insted we started to just kinda grind, but naked. I was loving it, then footsteps sounded around the cornor. His dad burst through the door, and screamed at both of us. We are now and forever banned from talking, texting, communicating, or seeing each other. He’s my best friend and hes gone. I am broken.