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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: The top of a hill
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Brian was an assistant Guide for the Natural sanctuary Park . He was lean and cute and there was some eye contact as we packed up for the trek in to the wilderness . He said he was twenty two but he looked younger, I was seventeen. He was the follow up guy making sure everyone was ahead of him. He was always watching me as I kind of slowed up the group. Our third day in early in the morning I was washing up and dilly dallied to long at the creek. When I came back to camp only Brian was there waiting telling me they had a two hour head start. He helped me pack my tent and we headed to meet the others. We came to a summit and he turned on his phone as this peak had reception and notified the office he had me and we were safe and his next check in was two days at lobo water hole if he didn’t catch the group. The area was wilderness and we reached an area called the gulch where we would rope across. He told me we were not allowed to cross with only two people it was two risky. We would loose a day and never catch our group now. The group left us food which weighted us down and we continued on in this beautiful wilderness. The evening came and brian set up a hammock because he smelled rain and we were in a slide area. Sure enough water came down the mountain and my tent was knocked down and I was wet and muddy as Brian showed up to rescue me wearing his boxers .Earlier he had tied my pack to a tree . He said we had no fresh water beside the cloud burst and recommended me washing the mud off with the rain before it stopped. He hung my tent and sleeping bag up as I washed in the rain . Brian lifted off my top and was wringing it out . You are full of mud he told me and he used his hand to wipe the mud from my back in the heavy rain.and I had my self mostly washed when the rain stopped . Of course I slipped and muddied my bum which angered the hell out of me. The clouds cleared and the moon shown instantly like on a movie in fast forward.  Brian saw me and took the water bottle and walked to me and pulled down my muddy panties and used some water to rinse my derrière . I did not complain and rather enjoyed the contact . He grabbed a towel and dried my short hair arms and then everything else ,  it was erotic there in the moon light . He helped me in the hammock and dried him self stood there in his boxers just looking at me. He surprised me when he took them off  and hung up his boxers and climbed in with me. So I am in the hammock with a stranger as he zips the bug screen closed. I can’t see any thing as some clouds cover the moon plus the rain fly has it real dark. We are in a hammock so not touching is not an option. Hay you haven’t said any thing all night said Brian sorry for the situation here.  Its not normal fare to sleep with guide naked . We will dry out everything tomorrow as soon as we wash the mud out of your sleeping bag at the water station ten miles down the trail he assured me. It was not his fault I thought. He asked me if I was comfortable.  I thought to my self I was dry and warming up, but next to a hairy chested stranger I was unsure at best. I said I’ll be fine. Brian repositioned him self facing me reached up and turned on a LED light which illuminated our naked bodies . So tell me where your from said Brian. I was happy to not talk about the obvious, so I gave a short version of my life story and the breeze dried us completely as I went on for a while. He asked about my boyfriend and I filled him in on Simon. He closed his eyes and as I talked. I pointed the LED to see his manly part. I was curious and it looked all wrinkled and not like I expected . Brian slept at my bed time story so I turned off the light and couldn’t sleep but I did rest laying with him there. Morning came and so did a huge erection from sleeping Brian. I was now aware what a size difference there was and how a man has no control of this involuntary action in his sleep. I was happy it stopped throbbing and went down before he woke up.    I woke Brian up as I unzipped the screen and crawled over him. I couldn’t help but brush my breast across his chest as I was exiting. Brian reached for his dry boxers and had them on making me more comfortable. I was naked getting my stuff untied from the tree as Brian exclaimed that’s is so beautiful. I realized I had exposed my rear end to him. I turned around to see he was looking at the sunrise and not me. I just want to sun bath in this light said Brian. I took my pack to the light and the sun did feel good. Brian threw a towel down on the rock where he was seated . No need to be shy now you haven’t been dressed in 6 hours and this feels good. Why not I thought ?  He was right I sat beside Brian . He pointed to our trek from our vantage point and where we would camp as we warmed in the sun. He assured me we would see no one unless we missed our call in check points. He mentioned my breast needed some sun and mid day we would be in the meadow where we would dry my stuff ,after we washed the mud out. So we dressed and hiked to the meadow beside the brook and we washed my stuff in the clear water. Brian pulled my sleeping bag in to the tall grass and stripped down to his shorts and added sun tan lotion. I was relaxing in the cool shaded brook thinking this was a good person with my safety in mind and no interest in me personally. I felt very secure in his presence . I came over by him and lay in the grass and because I had not slept . I fell sound asleep. I woke up laying on my back smelling the sun tan lotion on me. I pulled my my elastic down and saw I had good sun. Brian was no where to be found. Then I saw his note on my dry and rolled up sleeping bag. He was fishing up stream. I dressed took my pack and found him. He had two trout and was working on his third . Well these look great I told him. You like fish then he asked me . Oh yes I like fishing better than hiking. I like fishing better than any thing said Brian. Better than Mom. Better than a fast Comaro? I tested him. Than any thing he added. With a big smile. This is your vacation . So if fishing makes you happy I’ll start the cook fire. Thanks I said and I wadded in and caught two more trout when Brian said the fire was ready. We ate all but fins and bones and doused the coals and hiked to rocky point peak. We will set up here said Brian and he found a good place for my tent. The sunset was great and a cool breeze came in and picked up. Brian grabbed his pack and I asked him to sleep in my tent why set up in the wind. I was happy for the breeze because of the slight sun burn. You had a good good snore earlier said Brian for an hour and a half. Thank you for flipping me over and the sun tan lotion. I was surprised you slept as I rubbed you down. I wish I was awake to remember it I thought to my self. If you could lotion my back now I’m a bit hot from sunning earlier. I asked Brian if he liked fishing better than sex. I rolled over and pulled my shirt up to my neck and Brian added lotion gently and rubbed it in. I think sex is some over rated. I lived with a woman for two months and she was pretty and had a nice body like you BUT. It was a long silence and he kept rubbing my back saying nothing. Sex was so mechanical ,she wanted it her way , every night in a few minutes it was over and she slept. You didn’t like it? I asked . Brian responded , sure I did but fishing is better.  I can’t believe any one would say that, I thought to my self .  Maybe it was her not him . Why would some one  think fishing was better? Brian came back at me . Whats your opinion? I like fishing but I dont know. I disagree I think? I’m a tuff guy said Brian spit it out. Fishing or sex? I’m pretty sure sex , I responded. Why ? Said Brian. You sound so wishey washey.  Damn ! Should I tell him I’m a virgin. You’ve never had Sex have you ? Brian asked. Now he knows I should admit it. Come on he chided . I’ll take that as a NO. Brian started on his philosophy . People think sex is just a couple in bed. It’s me giving you the ability to start life. Then raising that life together in the life struggle together. It’s not being on the pill so that life never gets started. While he talked I saw he believed what he said. It’s the unity of single purpose knowing it’s in the hands of God. Not the I hope his condom works, or I hope he cares enough and  pulls out in time.  
He wants children I thought . RED ALERT!  He wants to make a baby when he has sex. Cross your legs. 
My girlfriend thought I was crazy to want to spend my life with only one person. I told her I wanted one love forever.  I added my thought , that’s not one person for long ,it is a family.  If you never use birth control ,it’s a big big family . So you are saying and correct me if I am wrong, Sex is only good if the woman wants the sperm in her and she does nothing to control pregnancy. You make it sound so , I can’t think of the word said Brian. What I’m talking about is the way it’s been done until recent history. Yea everyone was stoned outside the gate who did it any other way. I blurted out. Fewer social problems you have to admit added Brian. I want to marry my next girlfriend said Brian . I don’t want to remember to pull out right when it is about feel the best. I don’t want to beg my wife to stop taking the pill so we can have a baby. I just want it to happen. I want her to know going to bed with me means she wants me. I started talking to my self in my head. You want to marry a baby factory . So what is so wrong with teaching me the ropes you good looking hunk. So I take a chance and see how it feels.  We already spent a night naked . I told my self. Brian continued , I want to have sex and fall in love. Not have to look for a new love next year. No more broken hearts. No experimenting. Make it work. It takes some searching and a person who will never go back on their word.   I spoke up. This is a lot for me Brian. I am a virgin! And yes I want to feel sex! And I don’t want a baby now! And I do want love but my whole  life is before me! I’ll have plenty of times to fall in love later , won’t I ? Whats wrong with having a few men in bed and getting my career together,  then choosing one  man when I’m 30?  You want to be like everyone else , said Brian . You will wonder where all the good men have gone when your 30. You will have waisted the  most productive years of your life on the pill and when you do want a baby you will wonder what has the pill has done to your body. You will have broken many hearts. You may not be able to keep a relationship because you have lost the ability to bond .  You may end up lonely and angry because you lost the one man who really loved you to another woman who committed to him. Do you want to be like everyone else? He is confusing me I thought, but he was right . I see it all around me . He began one final time . How many divorces? How many lonely old people?  How many STD’s . How many fatherless children? How many abortions? How many people in meaningless relationships? Look around The happiest people in the world are from families where one Dad fathered all the children  from one mother who nurtured them. Do you have any idea how it feels to have three brothers so different from each other you know your not related at all. Then to be raised by a grandmother because your mother thinks her important job is more important than you. I  visited her when she came to see her mother every other weekend . The only thing I was told of my father is he was very young, and handsome . My mother spent only one evening with him.  I only know his first name. What bullshit is that to me! I never had a real mother only a grandmother who loved me but was too old to care for me well. Brian was the Prouducts of a one night stand . I felt so bad for him.  I know why you want you want to do it right. I think you will make a good father some day . I told him. I can see you at the ball field or the grade school spelling bee being a good Dad. 
        Helen Oleary from Sing West Virginia you will be a good mother driving your children to soccer practice or what ever too. I told him I was from Elby twenty miles from there. I never said my last name. Who is this guy? How long have you known who I am Brian? Not long I read your application file for the hike he told me. I zipped up the sleeping bag as the night grew colder. Brian was sleeping sound and I was still beating my self up with his moral philosophy. Most everything he said made sense and I wanted to tell him he was right. How could he have such a moral high ground? He rubbed lotion on my naked body. Not the other way around. He pulled my panties down and washed my rear with a water bottle and his hand.  Yet he easily could of taken my virginity or I would of given it had he asked. How can he sleep so peacefully ? Does he know I am torturing my self with my corrupt desire to have wild passionate sex with him.  I kept tossing and turning loosing my sleep. I want him, but do I want him forever ? He will never give up and stalk me forever if I say I love you . I know he will. He is right I don’t want to be a lonely old career woman with an inability to keep a relationship. I went out side in to the cold air and squatted to relieve my bladder. I placed my finger at my entrance and was thinking of taking the proof of my virginity away my self . In my mind I saw Brian’s erection pushing it’s way inside of me. My mind wandered at the thought of sex with Brian. I was freezing so I went back to the tent and climbed in. I zipped it closed and looked at Brian asleep there. I removed my panties and my top and I unzipped Brian’s sleeping bag and opened it . Brian was in boxers. I slipped in with him and zipped my self in with him. His arm was around me and one of his legs was over me. Virginia he said and then mumbled something in his sleep. His hand was on my breast , a place I have let a few touch. I rubbed Brian’s face wake up, wake up.  He stirred and he got hard as he noticed was with him. His hand rubbed my breast and my nipple then moved to the small of my back. He then rubbed my bum and down my thigh. As his hand wandered up my thigh back to my bum he grabbed it and rolled pulling me on top of him and his fingers wandered to my vagina. I grabbed his hand. I’m not Virginia . Your Helen Oleary , you play a mean jazz saxophone and your very good at baking cookies. I let loose of his hand and his fingers made me lubricate as they teased my entrance. Will you Helen take me Brian as your lawfully wedded husband . For what ever life brings good and bad knowing he is never going to not love you the rest of his life. He knows me some how? I never told him I bake a mean oatmeal cookie or I play the sax. Its Ok he has done his homework. You know I throw a big fit when things go wrong. You always say your sorry Helen and make up later, Brian came back. He is right … I held his face in both my hands      “I DO”. Do you Brian promise to raise every child I give you boy or girl and be the best father ever? Do you promise to love me and not just make me a baby factory? Do you promise to get up and change dirty diapers and take crying babies and give me sanity breaks for a couple hours so I can be a good Mother? “I DO – I REALLY DO”  You may kiss the bride I told him. What an awkward first kiss. He removed his hand from my vagina and then we got serious about kissing. Let’s do it I said. I always pictured my self on bottom in missionary . Brian agreed and we prepared and rolled and he pushed his middle finger in me slowly. My body resisted and then allowed his finger in. Soon I was comfortable with it in me and we had sloppy kissing and I had a sopping wet vagina.  I pulled Brian’s throbbing hot shaft and head and placed it rubbing vigorously on my vagina . Thats too wild said Brian , I didn’t stop and received my first cum explosion as I sent Brian in to orbit with my furry flurry . Brian was shrinking some but I couldn’t wait so I pulled his slightly limp shaft and tried to get Him in me. My legs were as wide as they could go in the sleeping bag. Put it in there. Brian fought his half limp self but could do nothing as he got softer. It’s no use he told me and we kissed and did some grinding. Soon Brian rose up and was getting harder and having the position I pushed his hardening head inside me . It got tighter as he got bigger and he extended in to me slowly with every heart beat. I gave Brian the go ahead and the pain was soon replaced with pleasure. We got better with practice and by the end of the hike we had plenty of experience. I moved in with Brian as soon as I got my things from home. It was two months before   I learned to orgasm with him. We never use birth control and we have only two children so far.

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