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My brother got back at me

Age when it happend: Lost it at 16
Where it happened: Storage room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok here goes ! I lost my virginity at 16 to my sexy virgin boyfriend. But I lost my cherry to my brother when I was only 12. Here is how. We rented over a clinic in a little town . We were on the third floor . Some storage was second floor . The clinic was ground floor. I was boss over my brother I was bigger and stronger and even though he was 11 months older he was frail and weak. Many times I would sit on him or pin him and he couldn’t get up. So one day we found the key to the storage floor. There were lots of medical junk stuff every where. My brother was finding books with every machine and investigated each one. I just would dress up in a white and pretend I was a nurse. My brother found a big lamp on a stand and plugged it in  . Like a dentist lamp but bigger . A few days later he found a padded table with a book and drawers under it full of sizzers and clamps and stuff. He read the book took it to bed and read it all the next day . He was looking at the tools and I found some plaster ands gauze and I thought of making a cast. He exclaimed he found them and I saw him take these steel pipe things and they fastened to the table. This is for traction if you break something . He showed me how it hooked under your chin or pulled your arm. Then he put in these other things called stirrups. I put my legs in them and he pulled the straps. Got ya !  What I leaned up but the head traction thing was still on my head . He wasn’t finished  he climbed on me held my arms down and taped my arms to the side rails. Remember all the times you were mean to me. He tightened the head thing so my mouth was closed tight.I struggled and was getting an arm free and he had just walked back with leather arm restraints and put them on me. Who is boss now fat sister. I was a little over weight but thats all. He started playing doctor . He took the big lamp and wheeled it over and it made me real hot. He had never seen me naked and I expected to be stripped bare right away , just like I did him. He opened my top and left my bra on and examined my muscles felt my ribs and pushed his fingers in my tummy like the book said he was reading I think. He lifted my eyelids and looked in my ears. I could only growl and make noise through my nose. He did the blood pressure cuff and everything. He was going to reach under me to undo my bra and I pushed back . Have it your way he said and opened a drawer and cut my bra off with sizzers . He examined my breast better than any other doctor or boyfriend ever did. He found a lump which I had checked out later. He unwound something and I could talk . I want to pull your pants off sis to finish my text book exam. I threatened him with certain death . I have sizzers he said , I thought these are nice jeans but not my favorites. He unfastened by belt and un zipped the fly. You know I’m a virgin you have to be real careful I said with real fear in my voice.  So I kicked and shook and fought the restraints until I was worn out. With a turn of a bolt here and there the stirrups were lowered and brought together and my tight jeans were down to my calves. My brother then sat on my tummy and released the large leg restraint and pulled my pant leg off as I attempted to kill him with my one free leg. No luck my pants were off and I was strapped in. Please please I begged. You never ever listened when I said please sis time to be quiet. He tightened the traction thing on my head and I could only make nasal noise. With a couple changes in the stirrups I was almost doing splits it was hurting me. He quickly cut off my panty and finally I held still. I could hear him turn pages then he lifted my legs to a more normal exam position. Then his fingers were everywhere and that light was making me hot.  I pleaded trying to talk through my teeth as his finger slowly went in my rectum he was in there feeling around and then went to wash his hand. He opened a drawer and pulled out things he had earlier and a big wide tongue depressor and placed them on my tummy with the book . He held the tool in his left hand and squeezed it like pliers and placed the depressor in the opening. It locks open how handy. I was worried wondering what he was going to do. His cold fingers were digging in my genitals I was not turned on at all. He attempted to push a finger in my urethra  then he found my soft love hole covered by my hymen “cherry”  . I should of taken a mirror and looked at my genitals to see what my virginity looked like at least once .Too late now. His pages turned and then I felt his finger enter my vagina it hurt a little . Then he hooked his finger and pulled down that hurt a lot and it finished off my hymen. I cried. He put two fingers in me and pushed on my tummy at the same time feeling my inside parts. He washed his hands and kept feeling in me. Then he put that cold metal thing in me and when it opened me up it hurt .  He looked around in me and did the tongue depressor thing on my cervix.  He was done shortly after that. He did lick my pussy and suck my tit right before he released the restraints. He just wanted to see what it was like. He didn’t run away as I thought he would he just stood there as I dressed . He could of been meaner and he could of raped me. I was now less angry and more humbled. Aren’t you going to punch me in the face and kick me in the balls my brother asked? I had done that enough already I thought. I held out my hand and said truce. You really mean it he said and we hugged and I said I was sorry for always being mean. I have told a few of my boyfriends this story and they don’t believe me so they call my brother.

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