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3 little sisters

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: sister's bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

My family consisted of me and my three younger sisters, who we’ll call Maria, Jenny, and Rose (not their real names). As the oldest, I “trained,” so to speak, my sisters to be comfortable around me naked (though I had never let them see me naked). But they seemed to enjoy flashing and dancing naked for me, and who was I to complain? When I was 12 or 13 I started to masturbate daily, and I had my sisters start a new custum of dancing in my room every night before bed, while I masturbated under the covers. In the summertime it would happen even more, and twice they even striped for my best friend, who masturbated under the covers along with me both times. When the sequence of events that led to my first time occured, I was in 10th grade, Maria was in 7th, Jenny was in 4th and Rose was in 2nd (I know they’re kind of young, but I never really masturbated to Rose and rarely Jenny, mostly to Maria who was only three years younger than me).

During spring break my sophomore year, my parents went to a conference for professionsals of their field. For five nights I was responsible for all of my sisters. Well, on the second night, there was a thunderstorm, and Rose, being 8, was scared. She came to my room and asked if she could sleep with me, so I let her into my bed. I had been about to finish up masturbating, but stopped and pulled up my underwear before she crawled in.

Rose fell asleep pretty quickly, which was relief to me, since my rock hard dick had been pressed against her thigh, which made me super horney, as well as worried me that she would wonder what it is. But now that Rose was asleep, I rolled onto my back, pushed down my underwear and went at it. It took me a minute or two to get back to where I was, right about to cum, but wihtout noticing, I began to fell Rose’s body. I caught myself with my hand in her shirt on her stomach, and being in that state of super hornieness, I decided to touch her privates just to see what it felt like. I crept my hand into her underwear, and right as I felt her hairless slit I had a hard orgasm, and shot cum all over.

The next day, Maria and Jenny were at their soccer practices, so I was alone with Rose. Feeling bad about what I had done the night before, I got naked with her. She had never seen my penis, but jumped at the opportunity to touch and see it. Of course I got super horny again, and asked if she would lick it. But she declined.

Later that day, Maria came to me and told me that Rose had told her and Jenny that I got naked for her. So of course, I got naked with Maria. Since I didn’t feel guilty about anything I’d done to Maria while she was asleep, I took initiative and fingered her, and had her give me a hand job. I asked her if she would lick, and to my delight she said yes, and put my six inch penis into her mouth. I told her how to use her tongue and to move her head, and had her do it until I was about to cum, at which point I had her just give me another hand job until I came all over her. She screamed and asked what happened, but I explained it to her, and she even tasted it. She asked if the next time we did that I would cum inside of her. From then on all I could think of was that she wanted to do it again!

Maria told everything to Jenny, who was a bit reluctant to do anything, but let’s just say we ended up doing the same thing as with Maria, except I came in her mouth!

By the last night my parents were gone, I had had three days of the best orgasms in my life, but the best was yet to “cum” (excuse the pun). I had begun spending the nights with my sisters in their room, and since Maria had a double bed, I shared it with her. Anyway, on the last night, Maria and I were fooling around completely naked under the covers while Jenny and Rose watched. I ended up on all fours over Maria when she surrendered, and I lowered my head to kiss her. While doing so, the tip of my penis rubbed against Maria’s clit, causing her to moan. I asked her if it felt good, and she said yes, so I did it again, causing her to moan again. I asked her if she wanted more, to which she also replied yes. I had her open her legs as wide as she could, and began to push my penis into her. I was suprised that she felt no pain, but I guess she was horny enough not to. I pushed my penis as far in as I could, and asked her if she liked it. She said yes, so I began to pull and thrust as the exitement built up within my penis and balls until I just couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed in as deep as I could so the head of my penis was right at her womb and shot my load into her. It was the best orgasm of my life, and I was only 15! After I pulled out, we quickly fell asleep.

I think it was aboat three months later that Maria’s belly started to get bigger, and we found out that she was pregnant, but her boyfriend got the blame. She gave away the baby, but we still had sex; we were just a bit more aware of when she was and wasn’t ovulating.

Jenny and Rose both wanted to have sex, but I wouldn’t unitl Jenny was in 6th grade and I was a senior. Rose had to wait until I graduated, and finally gave into her pressure. In college, however, I stopped doing my sisters (except on Christmas, until I accidentally got Jenny pregnant ((whoops!))).

Well, that’s my story, and if it’s at all unbelievable, it’s still true, and I treasure the memories I have with my sisters. Peace out.

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