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Jacqueline and Aaron

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So, I’m in 8th grade. There’s this guy in my grade named Aaron. He’s super hot and cute. So one day, we were walking together. Him and I being friends, we talked about some deep shit. So he says,
“Wanna play truth?” Him and I had made up this game the day before.
“Sure.” I say. He asks me if I’m a virgin, and I vice-versa. We get to his house and his babysitter wasn’t there, since his parents were on a business trip.
“Hey, want to go see Stinker?” Aaron asks me. I being a dig savant, I love his great Dane. So we go and find Stinker, who was sleeping on Aaron’s bed. All of a sudden, he straddles me against the wall and kisses me hard. I had had a crush on him for a while so I gave in. He lifted me up and put me on his desk.We continued to kiss and I fiddled with the tips on his hair, that always smelt of peach. Mmm. I wrapped me legs around his waist and i noticed he was starting to get hard. I got nervous so i pushed him away. He held his hands up and said,
“Sheesh. You okay?” I said yeah. But I couldn’t do it. I started to walk away, but he touched my shoulder.
“Look, Jac. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help it. You’re the only girl who doesn’t fall head over heels for me everyday, and take me seriously. You’re so pretty and nice.i don’t want to sound like a horndog, but you have big boobs.” He TRIED to wink at me, but it made me laugh and blush.
“Jac, I’m not going to hurt you.” he smiled at me. Hey, you can’t blame me for being scared of sex. I mean i was well educated and i was deathly scared. I backed up a little bit and Aaron came over to me. He leaned over me so our foreheads were touching, waiting a few seconds before kissing be again. He slipped his arms between me and the wall and pulled me close. My heart beat went so fast. I thought i would explode. I felt so good. It was just us. Standing in tyr middle of his room, pressed up against eachother. I felt his boner again on my thigh, but I didn’t pull back again. He again carried me over to his bed and laid me down. I didn’t know what to do, but we continued to kiss and i felt so in love. He slipped his hands in my shirt and unlatched my bra. I felt him getting harder. I rubbed my hands over his chest that was surprisingly rock hard. I pulled down on his neck to bring him closer to me, i was in heaven. I didn’t notice that i was naked at this point as well as him. Suddenly he pulled away and gave me a quizzical look. I nodded and he pulled me close before he penetrated. It hurt so much. I started crying. He hugged me tightly and went in and out slowly. I started to moan and groan and he did too. Eventually he pulled out when he was about to cum. When he went to clean up, i felt horrible. I mean i was 14. How could i do that. I started to cry again. But he came back and hugged me and told me it was okay. After i cleaned up, he walked me back home and asked me if i wanted to see Planet of The Apes the next day and i said yes and goodbye. But not before i kissed him once more.

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