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Jesse and Brittany – cousins but lovers to the end

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Our barn loft
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

First off: me and Brittany were always best friends since birth, practically. We would always hang out with each other at christmas, new years, and thanksgiving – any time we saw each other. If anybody would ask where either one of us was during a family get-together, somebody would answer back wherever the other one is! Or where’s Jesse – in here with Brittany! we were inseparable!
We were both a little tall for our ages. We both ended up around 6 foot, which is pretty good for our family. I had blondish red hair and light skin, and she had dark brown skin and long dark brown hair – mostly curly – fine featured – both very athletic. Both of us were homeschooled and grew up baptist, and I was exactly 20 days older then her.
We lived in different states = she lived in Illinois, and me in Missouri. The odd thing about us was we were the only child of our parents so we couldn’t wait to see each other again. A lot of times, we would stay for a week or more at each other’s houses – especially in the summer. Our mothers were sisters and had an interesting view on child nudity so they didn’t care if we were clothed or not up until around 10 – so seeing Brittany naked wasn’t that unusual or even uncomfortable. In fact – what got us to know that they had such a similar view of it was when I would see her folks we’d stay naked for hours after bath up until bed-time, and even occasionally we’d stay naked the entire night and half the next morning.
Well, one time when we were 8, we decided to sleep naked (out of habit really) at my house, after 3 weeks at her house. Mom came in to tuck us in, and noticed all our clothes were in the floor. We both got this awkward feeling and wondered what would happen next. To our surprise, she just asked us if we were cold. No, I said. “Well, you’re naked.” “Yeah…” I answered hesitantly. I guess she just wanted to see if we were honest, because all she said after that was like how it was ok and not to worry, and how that her and her sister and a couple of her cousins done the same thing – and that it’s nothing to hide from her but she made us promise to not do so much of it past 10. we promised and she kissed us both and that was it.
from then on up til 10 we didn’t really care if we were naked in front of our mom’s and my uncle or not. the only one we had to watch out for was my dad. all he allowed was underwear and not that often of that. He was a lot more modest then any of them put together. The one time dad had us both naked was when we were getting spanked in the loft for lying about going swimming and not doing our chores first – we were 9.
I don’t remember everything but I tell you one thing I vividly remember, the times that we went skinny-dipping on our farm increased by almost 70% after that little talk with mom.
Anyway, well, we did see each other naked a few times after 10 but not too much after 11. So, one summer – it was my birthday, in fact, August 4. We were in my folks’ barn. Even though we couldn’t see each other naked, it didn’t stop us from talking about ourselves and exploring kissing and such. So that one time I turned 14, mom and dad were in town getting my cake and a few presents. Brittany brought up how that she wanted to give me a gift I wouldn’t forget and how we haven’t seen each other naked for a good 3 years – and yes it happened about that fast.
Sounded good to me. We both new we were the same, but she did grow around her chest just a bit, and I told her I was a few inches bigger in my manhood world. She smiled and proceeded to undress – my heart was pounding out of my chest – she slowly and casually undressed and didn’t stop until she was totally butt naked socks and all, in our loft in the barn on the scratchy bed of hay, with towers of bales all around us.
Seeing her little tan breasts for the first time – since they grew – brought a smile on my face. it was both nice and relaxing, yet I was nervous as anything. It brought back so many good memories – and that bad one. I’m not against spankings, but they are unpleasant.
So, there she was, naked in front of me, once again, after almost two and a half years. “You look pretty, Britt.” I smiled. “Thank you, Jess.” she grinned back. I asked her if the hay bothered her feet; she told me it didn’t even cross her mind, that she was used to it. Here I grew up in this barn and still not used to it on my skin. especially below my waist. (sure I used to go up there every few days when I was alone and jack off when I was doing chores or just bored…) but I never could get the hang of the feel of hay or gravel and such on my skin bellow my waist. I think I even told her that, and we had a good laugh about that and she made fun of me a little.
She came up close to me after we calmed down and said something like: “well, aren’t you going to explore me or something, birthday boy?” I think my penis grew 2 inches bigger then it had before then. I loved her dark skin and dark brown hair. We were both of cherokee decent but she looked more cherokee then me. I was so ready for this, but yet I didn’t know what to do. it was like she handed me the moon…you know?
I put my hand up to her chest and started to feel her right nipple but didn’t want to do so much. “Go, ahead, feel – anything you want. it’s your birthday. I want you to enjoy it.” She said. So, I cupped her small breasts – both of them – “feels kinda funny.” I said. We both grinned. “I love it,” I added. She started moaning lightly as I rubbed her torso. “Am I hurting you?” I asked, a little scared. “No, just the opposite!” she begged me to go on and not to stop …. but I did. “What’s the matter?” “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do.” I told her – which was kind of true.
Then she said something I’ll never forget. “Haven’t you ever seen anybody make out or have sex or anything?” “No…have you!?” “Yes, a couple times.” “WHO?” “My folks…” – wow…here my cousin knows more about everything then I do and she’s technically younger…I felt awkward with my best friend for the first time in all of our 14 years of living!
But that didn’t stop me from being curious about how she got away with seeing her folks have sex – more than ONCE! “and….do they know about it?”
“yeah…” “wow, like – how does that work? did they mind? were you grounded!?” “No…” “Well…..!” – my curiosity kept growing and growing the more she didn’t tell me what happened! She finally told me how she was an only child like me and how her parents still let her wear next to nothing on occasion if no one is around. In fact, I learned they went around next to nothing even more nothing when I wasn’t there – but didn’t really do anything, except mess around a little in front of her. She explained away as they did to her they were married and she was their kid so ….. no harm. it was family. She also told me on her 12th birthday they taught her all about everything she didn’t know already and let her masturbate in front of them under guidance, then let her watch them do everything possible. I was floored. She told me that they told her not to get used to it but they’d still answer anything she had a question about. But that she did watch them one other time that next month and even got to jack my uncle and eat my aunt. My penis grew another 2 inches, I swear – and was rock solid hard! ……. “So, what you want to do, birthday boy?” she asked me once more. …. I couldn’t say anything. before I knew what was happening, she had my overalls off and was pealing off my boxers and I was on a bale of hay getting laid by my cousin. She wasn’t shy at all – she rode me like my horse! I couldn’t believe it! She didn’t back down – moaning pretty loud the whole entire 20 minutes! I came twice and she came three times! We were so gooey it took forever to get us unglued. I was in pain – but a wonderful pain. I never felt that bad and good at the same time = ever! HECK, I haven’t felt that good and bad separately = ever!
She licked me dry and wiped herself off with her panties then put them back on, then went up to me, bent down and gave me a long wet kiss with tongue, and whispered. “I love you, Jesse – and my full name – with all my heart.” I don’t know if it’s possible to grin and frown at the same time, but I did it that day. Before we could think anything else, I heard the two car doors slam down the holler, scaring us both half out of our minds. We quickly got dressed as we made our way down and out – fumbling all the way. During our trip down the hill we said we’d tell them we were having fun and swinging in the loft = which was more or less true. We did stay all night in my room – in my new bunk bed. Me on bottom and her on top – well, most of the night, anyway 🙂
We didn’t do much of anything until two christmases later when we were 16, and kind of confessed everything to her folks that we were madly in love and in fact secretly dating – which explained why we never had any boyfriends or girlfriends. To our pleasant surprise, they didn’t have any issue with it. in fact, they kind of expected it would happen eventually. They set us both down that christmas eve and told us that their was nothing wrong with our feelings that they knew of – they even told us how the bible in fact forbid every incest act save for cousins. But that didn’t stop them from teaching me a few things about sex themselves. We never went all the way with them but they were extremely open and supportive through out our relationship.
Now, we are “married”. We found a minister who felt the same way about our relationship, biblically, and have two healthy boys and one girl on the way – we think. And even though my dad don’t talk to us anymore, I still have pretty good talks with my mother and Brittany and I still see her now and then.
We are happy and will be married 7 years next May.
I love my wife Brittany, and to my Aunt and Uncle – if you’re reading this: We couldn’t have done it without you and love you both very much.

Don’t let cousins come between you and true love! I dare you to find it in the bible where we’re wrong! you won’t and you can’t so stop trying!

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