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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: At home
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was abused as a child so technically I had had sex before, but as far as I am concerned this was my first time as a consenting party (and an adult) so I regard it as the time I lost my virginity.

His name was Chris and we were each others first love. I had dated other guys but never gone further than kissing and he was a complete beginner and quite shy and self-conscious (in spite of the fact that he was GORGEOUS!), plus he knew about my past, so we started our relationship very slowly. We had been dating for about four months when we first went beyond kissing (I gave him head) and we began taking things further from there.

About six months into our relationship my Mum went away for a weekend – I hated being in the house by myself so Chris came to stay. We started making out, went a bit further, took off our clothes and were lying in bed in each others arms, when Chris broke off from our kissing and looked into my eyes, with a questioning look. Without saying a word to each other I just nodded and reached into my bedside table drawer for one of the condoms I had picked up about a month before “just in case”.

He struggled to put it on because of his nerves and inexperience and his erection started flagging, he got a little embarrassed, but we made a joke of it and started giggling, kissing again and I gave him head to wake him up again, when he was fully hard once more we grabbed another condom and this time there was no problem. He was very sweet all along and asked if I was sure before we went ahead…by that time I was so worked up that my answer was to climb straight on top of him and get started!

We spent the whole weekend together, some of it having sex, but most of it just enjoying the time together. We stayed together for about four more months until we were leaving school – I was off to university, he was going into the army and we broke up because we knew we were too young to commit to the relationship 100% when both of our lives were changing so drastically. But we stayed best friends through everything, including me nearly marrying an abusive bastard in 2007 (it was Chris, home on leave for my wedding, who rescued me when my ex locked me in our flat and beat me up for the last time, leaving me unconscious and with a broken nose and two black eyes, just six days before our “big day”) as well as Chris being shot in the leg in Afghanistan in 2009 which put an abrupt end to his promising career due to the injuries he sustained.

Last year we went with our friends to the same massive fireworks display our group has gone to every year for the last 10 years. It was snowing and we were all freezing cold so everyone else went to the food van to buy us hot drinks while Chris and I kept our spot. He stood behind me and wrapped us both in a massive blanket to keep warm and while we were chatting he reminded me that the event was our first official date 8 years previously and it was the night he had realised he was in love with me. I said “those were different times, look at us now” and he looked me in the eyes (I always melted when he gave me THAT look), wrapped me tighter in his arms and said “I am looking. I don’t think it’s different. Not at all.”

We stood in silence (I was stunned!) looking into each others eyes for about a minute before he laughed nervously and told me to say something. I opened my mouth to speak but at that moment the others came back and the moment passed.
We stayed wrapped in the blanket, his arms around me, throughout the display and I don’t think I noticed a single flash or bang, my mind was spinning so much. At the end of the display our friends were going on to a pub but I said I was tired so Chris and I made our excuses and left (he was driving me home). Finally alone again but in the crowd of people leaving the park, we walked back to the car in silence, got in and once again we just sat and looked at each other saying nothing for about a minute. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could I leaned over and kissed him.

One year and one month later, we have been back together since that night. He proposed at the fireworks this year, I said yes and this time I cannot wait to walk down the aisle! I am looking forward to marrying my first love, my best friend, my soulmate, on November 3rd next year….followed, OF COURSE, by more fireworks!!!

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