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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i have never felt like this about any boy. he was different. he picked on me, but in a way that i could handle. he laughed at me in a way that was not mean. he was there when i was crying and he understood. anyways, one morning, i walked into the band room and walked straight into the instrument closet to put my flute up and he was there. i told him hey and he said hey back. as i was walking out, he pulled my arm and pulled me back in. i laughed. he pushed me against the wall and said that he knew some things about me. uh oh. he said that he had heard that i liked him, which was true. i told him everything about me liking him. he leaned in as closed as he could and whispered in my ear it goes both ways. he pulled away and i stole me a kiss. it was my first. he kissed me back. we were really getting into it. he was moving his hands and i was moving mine. soon, i felt his hands go down and push up on my butt. i gasped for air. he asked if i was okay. i told him that i wanted him to do that for a very long time. he smiled. he asked if i wanted to go to his house to practice for our band concert together. i said yes, of course. when we got to his house, no one was home. we went up to his room and took out our instruments. we started to play. after about 10 minutes he went to go get drinks. when he came back we set down on his bed and talked. we played truth or dare. when it was my turn i chose dare. he dared me to french kiss him. i did my best. when my tongue went in, i didnt want to pull out. we set there kissing forever! next thing i knew, he had lay me down on the bed. it had took my shirt off and his. he started to take my pants off. i stopped him and he asked me what was wrong. i told him i want ready. he accepted it and he apologized for trying. i told him not to worry about it. next time, i will be ready. we kissed for a while longer, then he offered to walk me home. i said yes.

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