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Animal Instincts

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Everywhere
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the day before high school graduation so they gave all the seniors early release. I went home and took a shower. I thought the neighborhood was empty so I went outside to sunbathe by our pool–naked. After five minutes or so I heard something by the fence and realized that the college guy who lives next door to us was watching me.
I grabbed my towel and ran inside, too embarrassed to do anything else.A few minutes later, he was knocking on the door, telling me that he thought I had the most beautiful body he had ever seen and that he had been in love with me ever since he had moved into our neighborhood.
I was flattered but scared and I tried to close the door on him, but he refused to let me go and made a forceful entrance into my house anyways. He must have known that my parents weren’t home or hadn’t even cared because he pinned me against a wall and started to kiss my face and my neck. The towel I was wearing fell to the floor and he kissed me harder, grinding his pelvis into mine in such a way that it felt kinda good.
He ran his hands all over my body and started grunting and making animal noises. He tore his clothes off and started to fuck me against the wall. He threw me to the ground and I screamed–Not from pleasure but from pain. He stood above me, cock fully erect and abs shining with sweat, and for a moment I took in his naked body.
Then I remembered that he was raping me and I scrambled away from him, trying to reach a phone. He pinned me to the cold tile floor with his entire body and fucked me again, this time harder. He entered me over and over again, spreading my legs wide and making my breasts bounce from such force. My thighs were quivering now and I found myself panting. He fingered my clit and I moaned. Was rape supposed to feel so good?
My body relaxed and the next thing I knew, he had me locked in a passionate kiss. One of his hands was on my boobs, rubbing them, while the other guided my hand down to his shaft. I wrapped my hand around it started massaging it. He must of liked that because he got hard and shot a jet stream of liquid across the room. After that, he took me all over the house and made love to me until we got too tired to continue. He helped me clean everything up before my parents or my little brother came home, and I told him that he was my first kiss, among other things.

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