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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: her bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It all started on my first year of college. I used to take three courses with this hot girl named Jessica. We used to study together and I used to joke around with her. She had big boobs a nice round, big, booty. She had the perfect hour glass body, long blonde hair, blue eyes, very cute face. She giggled at all my jokes, which confirmed that she had a good sense of humor. As I got to know her I started to like her more and more. And I think she felt the same. Anyways, she invited me once to her apartment to chill with her and watch a movie. So we started talking about ourselves and our plans for the future. I felt hot for her a long time and I couldn’t control myself so I reached in to kiss her. She pulled back and said that she didn’t want to ruin the friendship because she like me very much, I said that there were no worries and that she would still be my friend. I reached in to kiss her again and then she refused the second time the third time she said asked me if I really liked her. I said that I liked her and really felt like expressing it physically. She said that if she wanted to tell me a secret before we started having sex… she told me that she was really a dude. After I found out she was serious and not joking. I was shocked and disgusted at first. I made some homophobic comments for which I am not proud of. And then she started crying. She said that this is what she had to go through and that her last boyfriend beat her up for leading him on and not telling him about her secret at first. I told her to tell people about her past and be honest and don’t care about others. I told her that I respected her before and now I respect her even more because she told me before we did anything entimate. Anyways, I told her we are still friends. And after a quiet pause those thoughts I had before I found out that she was a he came back to me. I kissed her and she kissed me back. I started carressing her sweet sexy body. And then we started to undress. She brought started blowing me. And then I fucked her hard. She was moaning like the little faggot bitch he was. I never got fucked back though because I don’t like penises, I’m gay but not that gay. lol. I don’t see her as a dude though, I consider him a her.I’m in a dilema now.. I love shemales, because I can always have anal sex with her… but I don’t want to get fucked. Shemales are so addictive and sensual. I hope there’s a pre-op erectally disfunctional shemale somewhere out there for me.

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