This is not the story of my first time but the story of my first time with the love of my life. We worked together forever and seeing her was the best part of my day. She is smart, beautiful, and has an amazing body. I never would have asked her out (way out of my league) however she was moving to another job and odds of seeing her again were fairly slim so I decided to take a chance. We were texting on her day off about some work related issue when I opted to ask if she wanted to do something that weekend. To my surprise she said YES but I had no idea what we were going out as. Friend or date. Without that information we went out. We decided we would go to a place that overlooks the town and decided to pick up some Jager to relax. When we picked up the Jager and went back to the truck the door was locked and the keys were in the truck. While we were waiting for spare keys to be delivered we asked what we would do now. So outside of Albertson’s parking lot I kissed her. Had no idea how it would go, she could kiss back, slap me, or it could just be really awkward. Turns out she kissed me back. After that we went up to her spot, and made out. We only had maybe 1 shot of Jager, then decided to go see a movie. We made it maybe 15 minutes before we decided to leave the theater and ended up in a hotel room. She was amazing, so hot, naked, huge tits, and she didn’t wear panties. Amazing. After we woke up in the morning, we went home, saw each other at work the next day (where she showed me all of her hickies) and we have been together every since. We have an amazing baby boy, and I love her more every day we are together. I love you baby.