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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

After teasing and dating a boy for five months, I finally decided it was time to do the deed. Many of my friends had already done it, and I really loved him and he really loved me. He hardly pressured me, but I could feel his boner on my leg when we made out and we had talked about it. I took a quiz on Seventeen magazine to make sure I was ready for sex and I was.

My parents went out for the night. I decided to get really drunk before he came over because I knew it was the time. I drank as much vodka as I could. I wore black lace under clothes and a revealing top so he knew it was time. I even curled my hair. I had condoms ready and had been on the pill for about a month so everything was in place.

He finally came over and we made out for a while before he started to caress my breasts and suck my neck. I unzipped his pants, and I could feel his throbbing penis. He wasn’t very big but I’m very petite so I didn’t mind much. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing, so I guided him. Even though we were in complete darkness I was still aware of where everything was.

His dick entered inside me and I felt a pop but nothing too painful. Thirty seconds later he held the condom and pulled out, I don’t even think he came it was that awkward.

Eventually we just held each other and said I love you and kissed more. Then he went home…

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