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How I Met My Heather

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: College
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

In my first year of college I met this incredibly hot, and also incredibly stuck up, bitch named Heather. (You never ever forget the hot stuck up bitches in your life).

At the time, I was the stereotypical glasses wearing nerd/virgin who couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons. I had tried a great deal in High School, but had always struck out with women.

She, on the other hand, was a beautiful woman who was clearly coasting on her D cups, her magnificently tanned skin, and her perfectly formed ass. She was stunning, and it went to her head…making her an incredible bitch to be around.

I, and virtually every other red blooded guy in the college, went after her as soon as I saw her…of course, since I was an idiot then, I did it by “helping” her and “doing things” for her. That of course, is the worst possible thing you can do to get a girl in the sack. Then, one day we were assigned to work on a project together. I’ll spare you the details of our petty squabble, but all you need to know is that she basically threw me under the bus. All I wanted from her was a simple apology… I hounded her for nearly a week demanding an apology and I finally managed to get her alone in a friend’s room. It was there, where she said that she never apologizes to anyone for anything. “That,” she said, “is what blowjobs are for.”

She immediately dropped to her knees and started undoing my pants. I was…to put it mildly, quite stunned. Since I was near her, I was already at “half-mast” when she took my pants down. By the time my boxers were off I was hard as a rock.

As soon as I “unveiled” myself she let out an audible gasp and said….”Holy crap…you’re massive.” She licked me for a little bit, then said “Screw this, I’ve got to ride that thing.” I, obviously agreed full heatedly. I pulled out the condom that I had been hopefully keeping in my wallet since I was 13, but it wouldn’t fit on me. Eventually I asked if she was on the pill, and she replied that she was…so she literally just stripped, and climbed on top of me.

Since it was my first time, I didn’t last as long as I’d have liked to…but after I came in her she just kept right on riding me until she eventually got off. It was a magnificent to know that I had caused a girl that hot to orgasm.

Eventually, she climbed off of me and laid down on her friend’s bed and informed me that I was free to call her for a booty call any time. We became fuck buddies for the rest of the semester and she went through a SERIOUS attitude adjustment because of it. Eventually, we started dating…and we’re still doing that today.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience