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Bruce, Youth Counselor

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 17 at the time, and was in our church youth group. Bruce was our Counselor. He was a college graduate — 22 years old and a dreamboat in the looks department. We met every Wednesday night. Since I lived a long distance from the church, Bruce offered to pick me up and take me home each week. We got to know each other quite well — in fact, very well. To my surprise, he was always coming on to me, and twice he tried real hard to get into my pants. I told him it was not the right thing to do, and that sex had to wait until after marriage. I’d always been taught that.

But, Bruce said he had studied the Bible a lot himself, and that the chief teaching of the Bible was love. And that the ultimate expression of one’s love was the sexual act, in which both parties gave themselves lovingly to each other. It sounded logical, but it was something that the Pastor never taught, or my parents ever told me.

But, Bruce was persistent, and one evening, about a year ago, when he was taking me home, we stopped at his apartment, and he asked me in. We sat in his living room on the couch and talked about love and sex. He showed me his penis and described it as the essence of love, and stated, once again, that love was the ultimate fulfillment of everything in the Bible. He finally convinced me. And so, we went to his bedroom, where we both got naked and climbed into his bed. After some kissing and fondling,I simply laid back,while he slowly entered my body.He did use a condom. I never felt ant pain, just pure pleasure as he kept thrusting into me, and then felt him releasing his “liquid love” into me — once, twice, three times, four times. I had the most wonderful feeling. HE kept telling me that “This is what ultimate love is.” Our bodies stayed joined for the longest time that night, and I was in absolute exstacy.

Since that night, Bruce and I have had sex many times. He always uses protection, because he does say that it would be irresponsible to procreate without marriage — but that mutual, consensual sex, is what people were meant to enjoy

I love his penis in my body, making love to me. I truly believe it is the ultimate act of love.

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