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Dog lover

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: His house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was 13when it happend I take my dog for a walk every day out in the woods. But there was this. O e day that I will never forget I felt the neededto go pee so I tied my dog up next to a tree an peed right there I wasn’t paying attention at all I was looking around at the trees when I felt this warm sensation on my balls I look down and my dog is licking my balls very thoroughly I reached my hand to stop I stop I had to admit it felt sooo good so I did not stop him I actually laid down on my jacket and spread my legs so that he could have bettr acces he started to lick my shaft now too I called him up to me I pet him for awhile I looked Over him and down by his crotch I could see his dick starting to show I don’t know why I did this even to this day but I dont regret it I Put my head down by his dick and started sucking soon he was so large I couldn’t fit it all in my mouth. He started to hump my head I pushed him off I was on my hands And knees aat this Pointhe he jumPed on me and stated fucking the living shit out of me and from that day on me and my dog R fuck buddies

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