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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My boyfriends car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I’d been meeting up with this boy I really liked for a very long time (7 months or so) in his car to do stuff with but not actually have sex. He was 19 and I was 16, so the fact he had his own car was very exciting and I was absolutely smitten with him. The only problem was, although he sometimes took me to the beach or fishing or on long walks, he made it very clear he only had a sexual interest in me. Now I wouldn’t say that I’m very attractive but being a girl who isn’t completely hideous, 6 or 7 boys have asked to take my virginity before, and until this boy I’ve always said no because I just didn’t feel ready, and I was worried they would tell people at my school. This boy I knew was trustworthy and nobody knew him and I really liked him so I rather reluctantly agreed to have sex with him. I also felt that because of his age and the time he’d invested in me that it was only fair otherwise he wouldn’t want to meet me anymore. We tried a few times with condoms but he felt he couldn’t perform with them and easily got frustrated. That scared me the first time we tried as we were both unclothed and I was extremely nervous already, then he realised he couldn’t get an erection with a condom on and started hitting out at the car. He’s a bodybuilder and around 14 stone whilst I’m around 9 stone. I found this very emotional and cried for a long time whilst he was sympathetic, but I was also relived , something I hadn’t seen before. Later I managed to get on the pill so we didn’t need a condom. When we were all ready he gave me a kiss and entered and I remember extreme pain and immediate tears. It was very dark in the car so he didn’t notice I was crying for what he says was about 5 minutes but what I thought was about 10 seconds. I was in absolute shock and couldn’t speak and eventually he noticed and stopped. For about 10 minutes he held me whilst I cried and cried and tried to get dressed. After we’d talked he asked me if I wanted to do it again and I said okay as I thought it wasn’t fair to him. The second time it still hurt but not as bad and I managed to get through it. He later admitted to me that it was his first time too, even though he was 19, and the average age for people to loose their virginities where we live is around 14 or 15. Nowadays we are boyfriend and girlfriend although he does say he dosent love me as he dosent think he is capable of it. When we have sex it still hurts for the first five minutes and sometims the whole way through if I don’t really want it. He believes this may be linked to a traumatic incident in my childhood and I agree with him. So that was my first time and even writing this now, 6 months later I am still moved to tears

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