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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: outdoor
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was fourteen, I got this urge to try crossing dressing just for the fun of it. I didn’t want to do all the makeup. My hair was just long enough, and I combed it just right, and I simply wore jeans and a rather girly looking top, and flip-flops, and painted my toenails. The result was that I really looked about like an average girl. I went out that way and nobody looked at me oddly or anything, they just took me for being a girl. It was a lot of fun and great turn on in a way that I was not expecting. Nobody, including my parents of cours, had any idea that I did this.
The makeup that I did do was minimal enough to take off easily. The toenail polish was a little harder to get rid of quickly. After I had cross dressed probably two dozen times, at home I got brave enough not to take the toenail polish off. My dad was not too sure what to think about his son wearing toenail polish (brown in color), and just figured that it was a harmless fad. Mom thought that my painted toes were kind of neat. This made it all a lot easier for me.
Do I want to be a girl? No, not really. I like being a boy. But it is fun to have this other secret identity and to find out in a small way what it is like to be a girl. Very interesting, and it makes life a lot richer and fuller.

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