Where it happened: At the park
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight
Ok well my boyfriend and I we decided to meet each other at the park. He came for me at my home and we head to the park. We were talking about us and he start to stared at me all the way looking at my lips when I talked. After that he kissed me and hugged me. I did the same in return. We fall in the grass he said in my ear,”I wanna do it babe” I did want to do it and I just said, ” is my first time and I would like to do it with you. Then he start to kissing my neck and he start to unbuttoning my blouse after that he went inside of my bra. He looked at me and he just kiss my forehead. Then he started kissing my lips and he started unbuttoning my pants. We start making out. After that he just said if he didn’t hurted me I just said no but after I make out with him I bleed so after that I lost my virginity and had my first time with him.