Where it happened: Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Well, I’m ‘noof. Yeah, real nick name. Something I said as a baby when I was sick of whatever and had had ‘noof! I got my way a lot by being a really cute little brat, with divorced rich parents and three doting aunties. I NEVER heard the word no until I asked for a Jag coupe for graduation…(of drivers ed!). Well at 12 my dad would get me for the weekend and then vanish for business trips leaving me with the only girl I ever have known literally so beautiful ( ‘hot’ just doesn’t come close) that the oxygen got seemingly sucked out of the air around my spoiled 12 year old tennis playing, rugby playing, weight lifting, gymnastics team member body…EVERY time I saw her. I thought I needed an inhaler for a while! I made my mom take me to a doctor for tests! He said I had early onset puberty! Not the asthma that I had self diagnosed. Yet every weekend like clockwork, she came to the door and I stood there like an idiot until she pushed her weekend bag into my limp arms and asked if I was going to take her to her room! I felt so stupid! It all came about during the Christmas break, my dad and mom were going to be out of town and they offered her an obscene amount to ‘babysit’ me (though I violently objected to the term) for the entire time and two days into school time. This meant three weeks of which at least two days I had to act human and not be a prick at her house on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day celebrations with her decidedly middle class (the tern slid off my tongue like a rotten nut accidentally bitten into) and I was instructed under no uncertain terms was I to ever mention money or ANYTHING negative while at their house. Did I mention I was a prick? I agreed because, well, 3 weeks with my goddess! Love of my life! One person I never wanted to even slightly offend! Just let me worship!!! I could do it. Even if it meant my parents were total slugs for both abandoning me at Christmas. Well, a couple days into it, she was her usual polite but firm adorable self. I was careful not to give her reason to believe anything she’d heard about me… Hoping and praying that our four year age difference wouldn’t stand in our way of love! I invited her to swim, reminding her that I’d like it if she’d at least keep an eye out for me if she wouldn’t come in. She was game, polite as always and I went and got her her usual perfect fit size 1 bikini from the cabinet..getting myself some European cut speedos like I wore at school gym swimming. She was so perfect and comfortable in her lanky but soft featured long distance runners body (I looked her up at school) I had to adjust myself quickly to the side and head into the water until the rhythm of my swimming stroke calmed me. Otherwise her mostly string and thin black material against her tanned Spanish goddess smooth body would have induced an involuntary orgasm right in front of her. As it was, we were both tired weft two hours and lounged easily next to each other in reclined deck chairs and enjoyed the sandwiches that the part time weekend maid brought us and even managed to talk without slobbering down my chin…
As we showered off the chlorine I, as casually as possible, asked if she wanted to join me for a jacuzzi soak or sauna…”why not both? You’re not entertaining anyone else this afternoon are you?” She might as well have slapped me with my cricket bat! I wrapped up in a big fluffy robe and slid my trunks off from under to which she looked at me oddly before I handed her a robe and she did the same, dropping the pieces into the wash bin next to the shower. I wasn’t sure how to explain that this was normal for everyone here at my dad’s house..mom was a bit more conservative but never freaked when I watched t.v. At the house naked or had friends over who enjoyed nudism but she insisted on clean towels under butts when on the furniture! She couldn’t get past bikini mode..
But Sarah didn’t blink twice, she wasn’t used to it but I think she wasn’t going to let me shock her…which I wasn’t trying to do! I asked her if she’d rather I turned as she got in. Her hesitation meant ‘yes’. Once she was neck deep I shucked my robe and I saw her glance but then turn her head. It was really nice, and I really hadn’t expected her to go nude! My goddess! I started the jets and turned up the heat and we boiled sweetly and she told me all about the pig bf that she had just dumped because he only wanted one thing! In a tub where the benches hold three each, you can either sit way across from each other, to right next to each other… The jets were turned up and kind of gently pushed us around in our seats and more than once I felt her hip and leg and even hand brush against me. I hoped she was enjoying it as much as I was.. For sure I was glad she couldn’t see through the rough water down to my other side left hand that was reducing an obvious offender of girls at nudist gatherings…especially those who weren’t expecting to be nude. I finished and prayed the mess would go directly to a filter and nowhere near her perfect body! Soon she was ready to get out and stood to get out. I caught a glimpse of her tiny but perfect feminine boobs and thin perfect clavicles (so sexy) I was glad I was spent. I turned and she continued getting out and putting on her robe. I turned just in time to catch the glimpse that she was absolutely smooth. As I stood up an pretended I didn’t care if she saw me she seemed to make much less effort to not see my body as I dried off and robed. We caught some iced tea and headed for the sauna. I told her I liked to get a cold shower first and I’d be right in…suddenly she said, yeah, probably best to get that chlorine off first.. She came in the triple headed pool shower stall with me and casually soaped up and washed clean. Even offered to exchange back washes to get all the chlorine off! OMG! I was paralyzed again! My dick began to rise to a larger form of soft having just finished being wrung out. I washed down as close as I dared to her amazing round athletes ass without fondling it. She did the same but went clear down my legs and brushed my balls as she came back up! I asked her if I should wash down her legs too..”sure! I never get the backs of my heels or low back very well, thanks! I could hardly focus as I ran my soapy, then rinsing hands over her form. I included her ass just to see if I was dreaming. She never flinched. Totally cool. ” your dad told me you guys are nudists a long time ago and I’ve been practicing. How am I doing?” I forget what I said as I totally focused on my dick not springing up and doing a spontaneous uncalled for action or touch. At 12 it barely takes ten minutes recovery time an a breeze to get a hard on. I was quoting football (soccer) statistics madly in my head. Finally we turned the water Ivey cold and I let it totally douse me and clear my head. She was 16!! She was being kind to the 12 year old kid she was babysitting. So we took our time in the sauna. Adding water to the hot stones until close to unbearable. In the low soft lights I examined every feature. Perfection is the only word..still. We finally could take no more, got into the icy cold showers again and she suggested we lay out in the sun for a while. I assumed she wanted a suit again so I retrieved fresh suits and large thick towels. Sarah told me to go ahead and put her bikini back but thanks for the towel. I did the same with mine and followed her out. She chose the spot on the soft lawn in the afternoon sun, asked if we had sunscreen which I nearly broke a foot running to get. She applied a nice slick layer on most of her front and then asked me to get her feet and back. I was ashamed that as I rubbed the lotion into her feet my eyes traveled higher to that goal of 90% of all man-kind… After I spent way too long listening to her softly moan and tell me how great a foot masseuse I could be if I would be okay with earning an average living..she turned on her back, still leaving her legs apart a bit, and it began to work my way ever upward. “Don’t miss anywhere! I don’t want burn spots”, I carefully obeyed her. I was sweating now practically pinching off circulation to my dick between my legs. By the time I smeared sunblock up between her legs into the exposed private parts, and slid my middle finger up and down making sure the space between the firm round, naturally separated butt cheeks was well protected and hearing her soft moans of approval, even though I was moving on to much less interesting regions I had clearly lost the battle. My dick was raging hard nearly jamming into my stomach as I knelt worshipping her perfect form. She continued to purr her approval and I finished at her ears but massaged her scalp softly to which she proclaimed that was an amazing stress relieving kind of massage. I’d seen my moms masseuses do it to her and to me and knew it was pretty great. The moment of truth or ridicule was finally now. I was finishing up her massage, both of us nude, having touched her in very private places and now sitting with a total diamond cutting boner just less than a foot from her face. She would notice and I was toast. She turned her head towards me and nearly looking directly into my crotch just broke out in her natural beautiful beaming smile and with real cheer in her voice she reached up her hand and grabbed it and stroked it teasingly a couple of times and said “all that just for me? Oh you shouldn’t have!” I was at the same time so relieved and close to blowing a load into my goddess’ face I nearly couldn’t decide and did both. But over the next two hours she magically massaged me in a perfect way that she said was a Japanese technique that took away my sexual tension without her having to do anything other than touch my hands, feet and around my major joints firmly. After we went back in it was totally different…I felt different. Peaceful. We began having more serious discussions. I lay in my hot bath that night thinking about the day. It was amazing. Sarah casually walked into the bathroom, still nude, asked if she could join me. We washed each other and I still wasn’t horny! I was amazed! That night after I went to bed she came quietly into my room. She whispered “you awake” “yeah.” I answered her..it always took me awhile to sort through the day so I can sleep..a couple hours usually..the reason for my self-imposed 9pm bed time. She whispered in a more serious heavy voice that I hadn’t heard before.. “I have one more thing to share with you tonight. I think you’ll like it”.
With that, and my silent agreement we both understood we had passed the barriers of age, wealth, style and pride and joined physically as we would in every corner of the house and yard, every time of day or night. As that first time unfolded she was so gentle. She was a virgin to..I knew by the tightness I felt, the resistance and sudden give that matched her tiny cry of pain. As a kid, I only sport an unimpressive 5, roughly, inches and it’s not a bean pole but it’s not fat like a big polish sausage. She said it was a perfect first. That amazing heat burning and radiating from both groins as the blood from the core is sent to the demands of the sex. Suddenly I’m aware of her wetness, the heat surrounding my most sensitive part and yet every feeling with my responses. It is such an intimate thing.
We plan to marry after I get my degree. Dad is putting her through college. Her younger bro came over one day early on and caught us (not difficult) and is bi-curious, he black-mailed me into giving him blow jobs and letting him have sex in my butt until finally I just told him that he was a bastard and I’d rather lose his sister by being totally honest and calling his parents and explaining it to them also than to live a lie with the girl I planned to marry. He backed off…but that whole thing…it’s another, much shorter, story.