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The Blonde Chauffer

Age when it happend: 16-1/2
Where it happened: Stade, Germany
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

My Dad had a real good job with Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan, and nearly two years ago he got transferred temporarily to Stade, Germany. My Mother and I went with him. I was 16 at the time. Dow provided us with a nice home and a car and driver — a young German boy, probably 19 or 20.He was blonde and very handsome and he spoke both German and English fluently. One of his duties was to drive me to and from school every day. We got to be good friends — VERY good friends. After a couple of months, one day we stopped out in the countryside on our way home, and he got in the back seat with me, and we started to make out. Of course I didn’t mind. He was very talented in his lovemaking, and two weeks later, he asked me about doing it — and we did. He fucked me for the first time, and I was in absolute heaven! My first time, but it was everything I expected it to be and more! After that we did it just about every day — all the while we were in Germany. In fact, one time, my parents allowed him to take me on a short 3 day tour of the area, and in Hamburg we got a hotel room and fucked almost all day! He always used a condom, since I was obviously not on birth control yet.

I really hated it when we left — and he almost wept when we parted. We do keep in contact via computer iPad, though, and there is lots of sexting going on right now. I hope to see him again, because I can’t imagine ever having sex with anyone else.

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