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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well I wish I could say that my first time, was the most pasonate thing
that ever happened, but I must say that nothing I have ever done has
made me feel more awkward than that. It started on a day when classes
were dismissed early. We proceeded over to her house to have sex, we both
knew we wanted too. She was a virgin, and so was I. After carefully selecting
condoms, Trojenz–the worse possible thing ever invented. we went over to her house.
Since neither one of us new what we were doing, I tried to put on the condom.–
didn’t happen. I think I was in such a hurry that it ended up going on backwards.
Then she tried to put it on and ended up getting the “rubber band effect” on by cock.
As I turned over and rolled around in pain, she was telling me how sorry she was and she didn’t mean to. So we tried again, but the damn thing just wouldn’t go on (I am vary large). we must of
tried for a half an hour, and then we just looked at each other and started laughing. I still can’t belive that. I think that is the only time I have ever laughed with anybody during sex. Well the damn thing finnaly went on and after that, the whole thing probably lasted only about 5 minutes. I came, and she lied, but since then the sex, has been nothing short of unbelieveable. she knows exactly how I like it and I know how she likes it.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience