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A Beautiful Lady

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Paris, France
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

This should be read with Number 17691 because we are talking about that first time! What Bob failed to mention was that he and I were married three years later near Montmedy, France near the place I taught school. But, you are probably more interested in the ‘first-time’. He was more nervous, or maybe just cold, in is California clothes during a very cold Paris in February. I had been working in Paris about a year and one half out of a little bar near Place Pigalle – it is not a thing that I am proud of – but it did bring us together. He was young and not bad looking, and obviously American, when I noticed him looking the fruits in the market place. I had no intention of ‘working’ when I helped him, it was just nice to help because not all Parisians liked Americans, particularly in that part of town. Even though we had difficulty talking (my Engish was not that good), we seemed to be friends from the start. When he bought that coat he even put it on me in the shop and said it looked better on me (my coat was pretty worn too!). That is also the first time he hugged me and I knew from that hug he was a very tender person. He was so interested in me, that I found it hard to hide the fact that I was ‘a professional’, but I managed to do that until the next day at a lunch that was even more beautiful than a very intimate dinner we shared that night. He insisted on the dinner, and delved so deeply into my family and dreams that he stated over our dessert “you will be the finest teacher in all of France’ – and I believed him! What made the lunch so enjoyable was after I told him that I worked at night and entertined men – he thought for only a moment and said “some people have a hard time on the road to their dreams; and no one should fault them. Just don’t ever let me know you stopped pursuing your dream.” And I never did. Thatis why I love him more today than yesterday – as he always reminds me!!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience