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A 40 year old cherry impossible

Age when it happend: just
Where it happened: Ohio
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

What no way.. Its true. How could I be a virgin so long? Well I used to be fat. Since I was in grade school I was as big as two people. At 35 I was told by the doctor I would surely be dead before I was was 45. I made good money but never had a date since I paid for a prom date in highschool. Well I left my office job joined the gym and hired a lady to fix food for me to save my life. I lost 280 lbs in three years. and I owe it mostly to my personal cook who feeds me only good food and nothing with corn syrup. It took a long time for my skin to shrink to fit my new body but I still have a few stretch marks. The truth is a girl I grew up with is a OBGYN and she told me forget the internal exams. Your not on the pill the number one reason for cervical cancer and your not having sex. So I never had an internal and still never had. Well honestly I had lots of boy friends and never a lover. So I decided I would put a add on the electronic web site. I told the truth and put in a picture of me when I was fat. I got lots of calls back and most were duds for sure. Had a couple dinner dates that were worthless. I went on the big find your love website where you answer a million questions and they sort and find some one compatable. You know the one on TV that says most of their relationships are forever. Well they had no one for two months. Then I got an e-mail that they found three people. So I traveled to Africa and met this 52 year old bald guy who was just wonderful. We just didn’t have any chemistry. We both saw it at the first and last kiss. Then just 100 miles from my home this hermit way to set in his way was a instant turn off even though we had everything else in common even the car we drove was the same make model and color. freaky! Finally I met Zig baby He was only 36 years old but like me he had lost a lot of weight and was in GREAT SHAPE. He had baggy skin and I told him how I got mine to shrink ( I’m sure that this sounds sick to some people I’m sorry) well we corresponded for a long time and then he told me he was a virgin. Well I was so excited at his letter I was jumping and my cook came in watched and laughed at me. Well the only one who knew I was a virgin was me and my doctor. Just talking about sex was something I never did. So We married a year later and the wedding night he was so shy and I could tell frightened. We together weighed only 315 pounds at the wedding and my gym gave us 2 dollars for every pound we lost as a wedding gift. We paid a family membership all year With the wedding money. Our wedding Night I took his shirt off and he had strong pecks and a 6 pack what a hunk. I had hips and reconstructed perkey boobies for him to play with they would of been big and baggy you must understand they needed work. Our chemistry was off the charts and I loved holding his rock hard body. That’s when I told him I was a virgin not before. He said he had touched a boobie or two but the girls didn’t like him. It was all new for me at 44 years old. I was so excited I always dreamed Of sex with my big fat body. But this was a dream come true and he was a virgin like me. I cried a few times as he explored my body and I his. It was so much more than I ever expected. My first finger in me I was on top of the world. He turned me on. Then he mounted me missionary as we were ready and sure enough that cherry was there. Ready ,ready, I replied. He broke me easily and went in me very tightly and very slowly.
I guess I always had at least one small body part” my vagina.” He was gentle and I didn’t bleed much. His face was amazing I could tell he really enjoyed me. I never thought any one could enjoy me. I asked him if he wanted to go faster and he said he did. It hurt some but I then relaxed and he stretched me out in there and then Oh yea!
I got in to the groove and we humped, we pumped, and played funky music all night. Hay its never to late to live.

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