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A boy in the girl scouts

Age when it happend: Younger
Where it happened: Girl scout camp
Langauge: Xx
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

School was over in Georiga and Mom was transfered to south France. I guess I was a real pretty boy as I had shoulder lenght hair a fair complexion and not a deep voice at all. Mom had two weeks of travel and on the job training so I only had one day to get ready for camp after we landed. I spoke no French and was asleep when they woke me up to get on the train then buss. I was still suffering from jet lag and slept most of the way. We stopped and every one grabbed a tissue as they got off and went to stalls at the road side rest .this first clue didn’t register. The second stop was in tall grass same grab a tissue deal and I needed to blow my nose any way. Well I saw twenty girls drop their shorts or hike their skirts in various areas of the tall grass for privacy. Ding ! I ‘m on a buss with all girls!!! So I find a place to squat and pee ( when they think you are a girl do as girls do) Now I am fully awake. And some girls are talking to me and I just smile and nod and show them my name tag Andraé no one spoke english and I understood nothing. We went to cabins after the long drive and bed time was in an hour so I brushed and washed my face and so did my 12 cabin mates some in panties some in T shirts I saw my first breast and didn’t stare too much. Thank the camp for private little wash rooms and toilets. Well in my favor a few of the girls wore boxers and T’s to bed like me. We were locked in and a wide chamber pot was placed in the corner with a roll of paper and half the girls noisly peed in it then poured it in the sink and rinced it for the next girl. I put the pillow over my head and woke up to a bugle call and stood in line for camp rules. I was called up front to get a buddy that spoke English the camp captian said perfectly no English. Anise Saint Caremelli became my buddy and she was Itialian and spoke everything but English. Three T shirts were given to each person and pig tails or pony tails were the rule. So Anise had a rubber band and I had a pony tail. Girl camp was torture painting, beads, crafts, I dodged the makeup and finger nail polish. But everyone wanted my hair on hair day what a due I had. Mud day was the best as I had a good throwing arm. Two girls lifted my top and laughed at my flat chest and put mud tits on me. One night their was a terrible lightning storm and one girl was terrified and no one cared so as she cried and screamed at every thunder clap . I jumped off my top bunk and walked to her and she grabbed me in a death grip . She was taller than me like half the camp and my head only came to her chin. I covered her with her blanket and sang her a lulaby and sat on her bed all night. All the girls hummed it every night in my cabin and some learned it in English. I was never the best at any thing but I wasn’t terrible at wrestling or never backed down from a good fight even though I was always small what ever my age. All girl camps have bullies. And they know how to fight. I walked away from a good 5 fights because they were stupid. But one girl was being tormented and kicked hard. Injustice is my button you don’t push. I tackled her bully twisted her arm behind her back and pushed her face in the dirt and said no which never needs translated and walked away. A few girls clapped the big girl who I sang a lulaby to put me on her shoulders . That’s when she found out I was a boy. As I was walking to the path where the showers were she came grabbed my hand and ran to a private place lifted my T put it down and put her hand quickly in my pants and her eyes lit up. I put my finger to my lips and shushed her. She grinned and my shorts and boxers to my knees I still had breifs on to hide my boy parts. She grabbed the elastic and looked up for approval I nodded and she saw her first penis I think either way she was thrilled. She hesitated to touch it but then she with two fingers touched it looked up at me then took it and my balls a totally investigated me as I got hard as a broom handle. She pulled my pants up swatted my bum and winked and ran off leaving me to get my hard on settled. My Itallian buddie was the next to find my maleness we were walking on logs and kind of like a balance beam it was wet and we both fell and hit our crotches she rolled and a broken branch gave her a nice cut about five inches long on her inner thigh up by her crotch. I smashed my nuts in the fall and could barely crawl to her. I saw the blood and the torn shorts she was screaming but I couldn’t breath let alone run for help so took off her shorts she wore no undies then I tore up my T shirt and cleaned the dirt out of the wound and used the T as a bandage . It was my first close up looking down the gun barrel of a girl and I was one inch away from naked pussy. I was all business and I was the doctor . Wearing boxers is good enough so I donated my camp shorts and put them on my Itiallian buddy . I was feeling the hard look as she saw my bare chest thenshe felt my chest then felt for my Adams apple then tapped my crotch I fell as I was still a basket case. A French laugh came out. She took off her T she was wearing a bra and gave it to me to hide my male chest. I limped her to first aid where she got stitches she made me watch and I limped her back to her bunk and sat and she taught me two French songs I still don’t know what they mean. My secret was hidden for one more week as both girls thought they were the only ones who knew. Well one night I had to pee and the door was locked and only the chamber pot remained I held for two hours but then it was kidney failure or squat like a girl. So I squatted and peed and three girls sat up at the noise it just sounded wrong. They looked at me I blushed two lay back down one was putting her glasses on. Busted! I pretended to wipe and slip my shorts up. Dump and rince like every one else. I could feel her eyes on me long after I lay down. She was the camp news and I knew my time was short.
I took the two girls that knew by the hand and struggled to tell them that the big mouth girl knows I’m a boy and is going to tell. It took 10 minutes to make the translation connect. When it did the big girl ran like a giant deer and stopped her just before she walked in to the lodge to tell. The big mouth was quiet till the end of camp and kept an eagle eye on me. My Itiallian buddy got brave and in the lake swimming pull she took my pants down and played with me . When I reached to feel her up she slapped my hands. The last day of camp I woke to this serious hard on as I opened my eyes four girls were by my bunk my shorts were down to my knees and my dick was wet they giggled I could see the door was locked and the itialian girl starts French kissing me and the others pretend I’m a lolly pop he’ll I squirt cum all over. They cleaned me up and I got lots of winks at breakfast . I found my self with five all new girls and the big girl from my cabin in a wooded hide away and they had me naked on the make shift bed not having the slightest idea what to do next. So I kissed each one on the lips which was great and it made me hard . Then I motioned for the big girl to take off her T and all the girls but one wore bras and I felt them up and the small Chested bra less girl I really got her motor running. Well they were more interested in kissing and fit fondling than any thing else and I was fine . One little girl took off her bra but didn’t let me touch her. After lunch we packed our things for the buss The Itallian girl slapped me then kissed and gave me her phone number and put my hand up her top and ran away. The big mouth girl and I were the last in the cabin she locked the door and walked over and pulled the elastic and looked at my man hood grabbed my dick and kissed me on the mouth. Pulled my mattress to the floor pushed me on it dropped her jeans and put her thong in my hand and tried squat her dry 13 year old pussy down on my dick ouch no way. I slid my head to between her legs and turned her pussy fountain on with my tounge . Then I moved up she slowly came down on me she was my first pussy. And she wiggled untill I was all in . She didn’t move a bit so wet and warm and tight . I pulled her face close to kiss her and she kissed and she got a rythem and for our first it was ok I think I lasted maybe 15 minutes before I dribbled and shot. It was my best summer camp ever. Mom lost her job and I live in Ely Minnesota . Now

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