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A Day With CC

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: My House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It started out as a normal day in the summer, i woke up, wearing my favorite pair of pink undies, and lounged around the house. My name is Emily, and i was 12 when this happened. My parents were at work and my sister was at her fiend’s house, so, i was home alone. I had never willingly just hung around naked before, but my friend mentioned that she had done it one time, so i thought, “i wonder what it is like?”. I started out slow, i just undid my bra and continued laying on the couch, after a while i thought “HECK, no body is home!” and took off my bra, i was scared about taking off my bottoms but i eventually did. So there i was, i was naked and watching the discovery channel. Shark Week. After a while i did get bored, so i went on MSN. There i saw my friend, Celia,or CC as people call her, the one who mentioned the whole naked lounging thing. i started talking to her, i told her how exited i was because i finally did it! “OMG! CC! guess what!” “what?” “I DID IT! i finally am laying around the house naked, lol”. CC was happy for me, she told me that she would be too, but her dad just got home for lunch. we waited until he left, and she took her clothes off and we went on webcam. Before now, i had never seen another person naked, i had barley ever even looked at myself in the mirror. so today was a big day for me, not only have i become comfortable in my own skin, but i am now more comfortable than ever with CC. so as we are sitting there talking, i can’t help but compare myself to her, the first thing i notice is that i have a lawn growing in my “down stairs” and she is completely smooth! i ask her about it and she tells me that she will be right back. 15 minutes pass and she doesn’t come back, i get a little worried. then, i hear a knock at my front door and i get scared. i run and grab my bath robe. i throw it on and run to the door. i open it, and its her! its Celia! i couldn’t speak, i was frozen with happiness. She walked in and closed the door, she untied my robe and gave me a hug, i was so excited. i took of my robe and tossed it in my room. i looked back at CC as she was talking off her jacket. She was naked! she walked to my house only wearing a jacket! i ran over to her and gave her a hug. we grabbed some chips and pop and we laid on the couch and watched a movie, nothing was really different about what we were doing, we were still hanging out and having a great time, we were just naked. time passed and we were getting bored, she Showed me how to shave my special spot without cutting myself and then we went back and we snuggled on the couch. we started playing truth or dare, which was popular back then :P. it started off as small time dares like “chug the whole can of Pepsi” or “spin in circles for 2 minutes”, but then they became “mature” dares, she dared me me to run across the backyard(naked) 3 times, then i dared her to stand right up against the front bay window for a minute. then she dared me to go sit on the chair on the front porch with my legs spread, then, being really mean, i dared her to answer the door when the paper boy (who was our age) came to deliver the paper, she had a crush on the paper boy so she said “ok”. when he came, the door bell went off and Taylor opened the door, she was standing there completely naked in front of the paper boy who couldn’t take his eyes off of her. i have to admit, i got kinda jealous, so i ran up behind her and put my arms around her and put my hands over her chest and slid them down to her crotch, this kid got a noticeable boner lol. CC slammed the door closed, she turned around, i still had my arms around her, and then she put her arms around me and we kissed….it was my first kiss. and i loved it. we went back to the couch and we kissed again. sadly it had to end when i realized my parents could be home soon. i got scared cause she didn’t have any clothes, we were about the same size so i let her wear some of mine. my parents let her stay over that night, it just so happened our spare room was being renovated, so she slept with me, we didn’t have anything to sleep in so we both slept naked 🙂 we kissed and cuddled.

this happened several more times until winter came, mid-january came and she stayed over and my parents were at a dinner party, we spent the afternoon in the nude and when bed-time came, she forwarded the idea of “exploration”, i accepted. I guess we wanted to know what made each other feel good. we didn’t fall asleep for 2 more hours, we found out what each other tasted like, what we had to do to get each other to come and we even played out each others fantasies.

I’m 14 now, i still see her often, we don’t get naked as soon as we are together like we used too, but we still have our fun, whenever she stays over, we always sleep in my bed nude and explore each other. we are still both the same size so we still share clothes and we have showered together many times. I still shave my “lower area” to this day, but i can never seem to get it as smooth and perfect as she did 2 years ago.

Emily Houghton
Celia Lees

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