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A first is a First

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Well, I do think I’m a bit young to not be a virgin but it happened. It happened Oct. 29, 1999. My parents were out of state visiting my grandparents and left me the day after my 16th b-day which was Oct. 24. They wanted to take me with them but since I had school they left me here. I told my friends. But with no intentions of anything happening. My two guy friends are always teasing me that one day when my parents are gone they are going to come over and party, and all that good stuff. So teasingly I told them to sneak out one night and come see me. The first night they came over they tried to teach me to play poker and after I got the hang of it we started to play strip poker. Go figure I still lost. Sean wasn’t all that interested in me. I was glad too. He is into one of my other friends. But Brian was totally into me and I’ve been into him for a while. Sean went to watch t.v. after the game was over and I went to my room to get some more clothes b/c they hid my others so I couldn’t try to get dressed during the game. Brian followed me and we started talking. I was now in my bra and panties and he in boxers. He said he liked what he saw and wished we could do something. I told him I would want to but he had a girlfriend. He said he didn’t care and didn’t really like her anyway. We were just playing around and we ended up just lying together in my bed. He asked me over and over again and I finally gave in. He promised to go slow and stop if I needed him to. He was having trouble so I had to guide him to the right spot. He slid it in slow and almost immediatly I felt pain. Like a pinch. He pushed a little and stopped. He was looking me in the eyes the whole time. And He asked if I was ok. I held my breath and told him to go on. He pushed a little harder and I freaked out and pushed him away. We never did anymore that night. He had to go home. It was a school night. He called me the next day b/c I didn’t go to school. He asked if I was alright and I told him that I was just too tired to go to school. He told me he was going to come back over that night so we could try again. I told him fine as long as he had protection. I’ve always been a worry wart. I’m on the pill and he used a condom. Never can be too safe.:)
I fell asleep and he just walked in. He layed on my bed next to me and put his hands on my neck. I woke up instantly. He had extremely cold hands. He took the condom out of his pocket and put on the headboard of my bed. Then quickly he stipped down to his boxers and climbed into the bed. He slowly took off my pants and my shirt. then he had me sit on his hips while he layed down. He took off my bra. He pulled me close and just held me for a while. Then he pushed me on my back and pulled my panties off. He had me switch him positions so I was on my back. He spread my legs and told me to relax. I put him where he was supposed to be and he started to push in. Again it was instant pain. Only this time he had a hold of my hands so I couldn’t push him off. He went slowly. I didn’t cry just told him to stop a sec and then let him go on. Finally he was all the way inside. I had my eyes sqeezed shut, my legs were stiff and my hands were sqeezing his arms. He told me to look down. I looked and realized he was all the way in. He looked at me and smiled and told me to tell him when I was ready for him to start. I told him I was alright. He started out slow. I almost started crying but didn’t. He then asked me to ride him for a while so I did. We only went at it for 10-20 min stopping every now and then b/c it was hurting me. I never climaxed. I don’t know if he did or not. I didn’t bleed either. It wasn’t how I pictured myself losing it but I can’t change that. He and I are still friends. He wants to do it again but I told him to think of it as an early b-day present. Maybe some other time tho. 🙂

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