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a lil fun in the closet

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Friend closet
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so ive nvr had sex before… but ive had an amazing experience with one of my best friends.it was a cold winter day outside n i went to my friends (ima leave her name anoynomus) house. we were just talking n then the topic came up about possibly experimenting with each other n we ran into her big walk in closet n shut the door. we were a lil nervous at first but then we got close together n she kissed me quick. i pulled her up to sit on me n we put our foreheads together n giggled a bit then we got all serious n she said go so i leaned into her n madeout for about 15 seconds. it was awesome n then she asked if wanted more. i said yes really quick n then we madeout for at least 10 mins minimum it was the best experience ever. her lips were so soft n sweet.

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