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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok listen… lol this girl right told me she wanted me everyday, but i had a girlfriend. and i thought i loved ehr so i told this girl witch her name was ashme or something i dont relle remamber but my girl friend jenny lefted me outta no where. i was depressed crying didn’t know what to do to move on. then it happend. i calld up ashme and she came over to watch movies and talk. my peoplez left. she put her head on my shoulder. i put my hand around her and slowly pulled down her starp of her tank top. she had no bra on with size 34C or something so her tittys came out. we acted like they wernt out. till i start3d kissing her and she started to undo my jeans. i let her. i was scr3d. then cause she had sex befor she grabed my dick looked at me ND STARTED TO SUCK IT!! well im getting my DICK sucked shes moaning and looking me in the eye. i just took her mouth off my took her close off and srarted to fuck ehr LOSE NASTY PUSSY. it was a slack 1st time. then jenny called telling me she loved me and shes sorry. i acted like i anit fuck ashme, but she found out and i lost the love of my life over a nasty bitch. but i found a new love and never think bout jenny cause im in love with this girl. but shes a vergin and i will wait for her till the end of time for my baby. thats bout it. so i do not regret fucking her cause i love the one im with now.

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