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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: hotel
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Two summers ago, deffenitly a summer i’ll never forget!…

I met this guy online, and he first came to see me in June, we went on a date and soon began seeing eachother more and more. We fell in love and we were talking about having sex about 2 months into our relationship. But we could never actually set a date to do it. Well my parents didn’t like the fact that he lived an hour away from us, so one weekend when they went on vacation, i had saved up a little bit of money to go on a bus out there to see him. We had talked about it for so long nad the night finally came.

Turns out, he had rented a fancy-assed hotel room for our special night, and had a bunch of movies for us to watch and what not, and the thought about sex totally slipped my mind.

We ordered a pizza and were sitting at the table in the room watching a movie, and then the pizza came and i couldnt eat cuz i was so nervous, so he ate his pizza and i sat at the table drinking a bottle of water.

I dont know what had gotten into him but he finished his pizza and came over to the table and grabbed my hands and said come over to the bed, so i did.

We started foolin around and one thing lead to another, and he was a virgin too, so he excused himself to use the washroom to put on his condom because he wasn’t sure how to do it right, that was dandy, but kind of a mood killer, but when he came bakc into the room he got me quickly back in the mood.

He climbed on top of me and fumbled to get it in, so i helped him, as soon as he put it in, i felt immediate pain, i thought i was dying or something…it was over with in 15 seconds, we did it 4 other times that night, eachtime as painful as the first.

Girls if you’re reading this and your young, save yourself, im still kicking my self in the ass for loosing my virginity at such a young age (i was only 15) cuz trust me, i never heard from him again that night, you have to be sure about the one you’re losing your virginity to, make sure he’s not an asshole, and if you’re not ready and he dosn’t understand and trys to pressure you into it, he’s not the one for you.

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