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abandoned house

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: abandoned house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Okay my first time was not in the least romantic. I had been going out with Joe for about a week and a couple of my friends had already had sex and I just wanted to know what it felt like.
I certainly wasnt in love, merely curious

We went to this house that Joe and all his frineds were living in. They werent paying for it or anything like that, kind of squatting i guess
We were there for like ten minutes when Joe and i disappeared into the bedroom to have sex
I was under no illusions that this was going to be the best experience of my life. I was more than sure it was going to hurt like a bitch!
So we were kinda kissing and stuff (like i said was not romantic) and he gets my pants off and his and starts trying to put his cock inside me. I was so not horny so there was no wetness down there whatsoever! In fact i was too busy laughing, dont know why, guess i was just nervous

Anyway it took him like fifteen minutes to get his cock inside me, at which point all laughter stopped. IT REALLY FUCKING HURT! He pumped in and out of me for about two minutes and then came. I felt absolutely nothing. I was sore and there had been no tingling or mind blowing orgasms like some people on here say they have (btw youre all full of shit)
So we get up get dressed and i left, never to see him again.
Like i said i wasnt in love with him or anything, i was GLAD to not see him ever again.

Took me about a year to have sex again and this time it was with someone i thought i really loved and it was WAY better and has been so ever since!

My current lover is the absolute BEST i have EVER had in my whole life and ive had a few!

So there you go no hearts and flowers or even incredible orgasmic sex, might seem kinda boring to you but thats okay because at least MY story is real

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience