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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Albany, NY
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We met at a nightclub a few weeks prior. We really hit off. I was sexually attracted to him. He had all the physical appearances I preferred in a guy, dark hair, dark hair, muscular, and dark skinned. We stayed together the whole night. He held on to me so lovingly and I enjoyed every minute of it. He would whisper in my ear that he really liked my personality and could see me being his girl. I didn’t think anything about it. This is a nightclub… guys are always trying to pick up women. He asked if I wanted to go outside to go to my car to make out. I have never done anything with a guy and I just met him, so I told him no. He didn’t force me and he didn’t go to another girl. He stayed with me and we talked and danced. At the end of the night, he gave me his business card so I could call him if I wanted to.

Well 3 weeks passed and I finally called him. He was so happy that I contacted him and thought I forgot all about him. One thing lead to another and we exchanged cell phone numbers so it would be easier to contact one another. His charm caught me and he asked if I would like to be his woman. Since I really liked him, I accepted. He asked if I wanted to visit him on his lunch break. I said yes and brought him something to eat.

I arrived to his workplace and kissed me on the lips. We talked and he ate. Soon, he started caressing my arm and I placed my hand on his leg. Then he grabbed my hand and held onto me. He was starting to talk sexually, saying he wanted me. He asked if I wanted to play around a little bit and I said ok. So we got in the workplace’s SUV and we drove to a dead end street. I looked at him and came in and kissed me. His tongue surprised me, but I went along with it and was enjoying every second. Soon, he unzipped his pants and pulled down his pants to expose his erect penis. I look at it for a second, desiring it, and give him a blow job. After a couple moans, we decide to go in the back seat. I laid down and he unzipped my pants. I pull them down and he opens my legs. He got in between my legs and got in me. I could not hold back on any noises. I was moaning and I could feel my legs trembling. He went slow and then sped up a little. I told him that it hurts and he slowed down again. Then he started to go in circles, and it felt so good. The pain lessened. Then he sped up again and I wrapped my legs around him and started kissing him so it would take my mind off the pain. After about 10 minutes, he pulled out and came onto my thigh. It was so warm and I got excited to see it come out. MMMM. By this time, my legs are trembling really bad. He cleans himself up then cleans me up because there is a good amount of blood and wetness. When he is done, we pull on our pants and get back in the front seat. Since I am driving, I am so flustered, it is hard to operate the car. I keep sighing as I drive and my legs are still trembling. They kept trembling for about 2 hours, but it was a good feeling.

I was ready for sex. I wasn’t nervous. It all seemed so natural. There are no regrets.

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