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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: Motel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I met him in the Chemistry Class here at Purdue University. He stood out because he was about 6’4″ and had an erect penis tattooed on his left forearm, and beneath it the words: “Actual Size.” The Professor had asked him a couple of times to cover it up because it was a mixed class, young men and women, and it created a disruption. He did for awhile, but then after that, he;ed shove his sleeves halfway up his arms and you could see most of it. I was really curious about a guy who would be so bold, and tried to get to know him. After several weeks of small talk, he asked me out one Saturday night. It was then I learned he played football for Purdue. Halfback position. Since I was not particularly a football fan, and never attended the games,I had not known that he was quite a star on the team. At any rate, we took in a movie and then went out for a burger and fries and a Coke. In the restaurant, he had his sleeves rolled up, showing off his tattoo, and I asked him why he had that and why he displayed it so boldly. He told me, quite frankly that he was quite proud of his manhood and his penis, which signified it, and essentially said, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” After a few dates, I told him I wanted to see if it was “Actual Size.” He said, O.K., and took me back to his rooming house room, and took off his clothes. What a magnificent body he had, so nice and muscular, yet trim, and fit, and his erect penis was indeed beautiful. He showed me, with a ruler, that it was 9-1/2″ long from his testicles to its tip — just like the tattoo on his arm. That night,he made love to me for the first time. I thought that “it” would never fit inside my body, but it did. I had never been fucked like that in my life. I screamed and screamed for him to “go deeper” and then to “stop,” because I thought I could not take it any longer, but he just kept working it in and out and I was absolutely in heaven. We are going pretty steady now. And I just love that tattoo, but most of all, the actual thing.

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