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Admitting it was love.

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: In my room.
Langauge: English.
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was young…I was sixteen. I remember every single detail of it, because the very next day I wrote a story about it.
I remember it so vividly. I was madly in love with him. His name was Leonard, but we all called him by his middle name, Jett. He had brown hair that would curl at the ends, and the back. His bangs were straight and just under his eyebrows. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue…Very thin. I had dark brown hair, brown eyes, some freckles, and I was short, a little more than him.

We were behind the barn one night, our first “rough” make out session. We had always made out, but never roughly. It felt good as I remember, I just had my plaid skirt on, and a short sleeved t shirt. He was always sliding his hand up and down my thigh. I remember him wearing no shoes, that made me laugh, a white button up shirt, baggy pants, and suspenders. I kept holding onto them and pulling his body closer to mine. Finally, he told me he had to go home, and he sounded panicked. It made me upset, I thought I did something wrong, and he wouldnt tell me what it was.

Finally after a couple of hours in my room, upset and confused, he climbed the shed and knocked on my window. When I let him in, he explained to me that when we made out, it excited him and he needed to take care of business. I laughed, I was embarrassed, flattered, and nervous. The next thing I did was ask him if he ever had sexual thoughts about me. I dont know why….But the second his blue eyes lit up, and in that country accent he replied, “I sure do.” I asked him if he wanted to make love to me, and I never seen him run so fast to my bed before. He basically stripped himself without me knowing it, and he slowly stripped me. It was pretty sensual.

Of course we were clumsy and awkward, but we laughed at it, and the times that we felt like we knew what we were doing, felt amazing. I always thought I was annoying, since it was my first time I was squeeling and laughing, it tickled so much. But he thought it was cute. Nothing turned me on more than him hovering over me, those blue eyes looking at me like that. It still sends chills down my back.

We’re now married with an adopted Russian baby boy named Alek. <3

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