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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Burbank,CA
Langauge: Malay/English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Aku seorang perempuam melayu yang telah menetap selama 15 tahun di Burbank,California.Ni nak cerita tentang pengalaman first aku dijilat…oleh member2 sejenis aku sendiri hehehe.

Ni terjadi 5 tahun yang lepas,time aku still 15 tahun.Freshmen lagi kat high school.Aku ada 2 orang member rapat,Suzy and Kristina.Suzy tu awek Armenian and Kristin pulak a mix of French and American.Dua2 sama umur,satu sekolah.

One Friday night,as usual we all gathered at Suzy’s house.Biasala girls’ night in.Yang lagi bestnye malam tu Suzy’s parents were out.Actually they were gone for the weekend,so kitorang lagi syok la.

Kitorang malam tu planned nak masak tau.Konon-kononnya nak buat creme brulee.

Tapi tengah prepare makanan tu,tetiba si Kristina ni tanya,’Have any of u tried jackin off with food before?’

And we looked at her and laughed.Aku seriously time tu tak penah masukkan apa-apa item ke dalam cipap aku.So memang 100% virgin la.And then si Suzy ni replied,’How bout we try that tonight?’

Kami semua terdiam.Kristina dah mula senyum evil.Antara kitorang bertiga,at that time Kristina je yang dah pernah buat sex.Suzy and I were still virgins,but we knew that Suzy ni suka masturbate guna dildo.Aku pulak bila member2 dah cadang and semua macam willing to do it,rasa excited la kan.

So we all agreed.Suzy bukak fridge and keluarkan 2 cucumbers and 1 carrot.’Remember to throw these away after we..u know..’

So kitorang pon bukak seluar masing-masing,and sat on the kitchen floor.Kristina ambik sebotol cooking oil and began lathering up her carrot.Me and Suzy got the cucumbers.And then Kristina raba-raba cipap dia perlahan…gosh I didn’t know I’d get so aroused looking at a woman’s pussy.Kristina nye cipap ni comel je.Almost hairless,bulu plak blonde in color,cipap dia plak healthy pink..and REALLY wet.

Suzy pandang aku and shrugged and followed her lead.Lubed up our food dildos,and lubed our pussies a lil bit with the oil.

‘Aesya,make sure your’re stimulated enough so it won’t hurt that much when you shove it in.’Kristina said.Heh..mentang-mentang aku still newbie in this.

Kristina outreached her hands and touched my pussy.Aku kangkang luas sikit so she had better access.Dia raba clit aku perlahan-lahan…seronok sangat rasa.Aku tengok Suzy tarik Kristina’s hand to touch her pussy.Suzy muka dah stim habis.She was flushing slightly bila kristina cucuk-cucuk dia punye lubang.

When I was confident enough,aku cucuk timun aku dalam cipap.Ahhhh…rasa sejuk cucumber dari fridge tu still tak hilang.Cipap aku mcm trenjat sekejap,tapi rasa best sangat!!

Aku pejam mata untuk menikmati rasa yang tak pernah aku experience.When I got used to the feeling of the cucumber inside me,aku mula slid it in and out of my vagina.Aku tengok si Suzy dah duduk mencangkung,tangan kanan dia pegang dildo dia and she was bouncing up and down on it sambil mengerang kesedapan.Aku dan Kristina was rapidly sliding our food in and out of our pussies.Rasanye nikmat sungguh!!!!Air cipap aku mula keluar dengan banyak as time passed by,lubricating the cucumber more.

Lepas tu si Suzy crouchd down kat celah kangkang aku sambil menjelir lidah.Oh…nak jilat cipap aku rupanya.Aku Keluarkan dildo aku dan biar si Suzy ni jilat kelentit aku yang dah membengkak.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sedappnyeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!I half-screamed and half-moaned as she sucked hard on my clit.Berdenyut-denyut cipap aku time tu.

‘Yumm you taste good.’ Suzy said before diving for my pussy again.This time,dia cucuk lidah dia dalam lubang aku.Gaahhhhhh aku rasa macam nak biar dia punya kepala kat cipap aku selama-lamanya!!!!

Kristina pulak jilat Suzy’s pussy from the back.Ohh sedap sungguh…I wish someone would film us cos I’m pretty sure it’d make a damn good porno.

And then aku realized aku tak rasa lagi cipap kawan-kawan aku,so aku angkat kepala Suzy and told her I wanna lick her pussy.Secepat kilat dia kangkangkan kaki.Aku pulak took over Kristina’s job as her pussy licker.Itulah first time aku menjilat cipap perempuan.Mula-mula I didn;t really like the taste.Rasa macam masin-masin.Bleh.Tapi lama-lama sedap pulak,ditambah dengan Suzy’s horny moans.Aku saja bagi cipap dia basah-basah…sedap tengok.Glistening.Yang bestnye Suzy’s pussy ni banyak daging,sebab dia agak montok.Dan aku suka sangat jilat kelentit dia sebab besarrrrrr.Kristina by that time aku nampak dia stuffed her carrot AND one cucumber up her pussy sambil main-main dengan nipples dia.Wow….

Lepas tu Kristina suruh aku baring,and she sat down on my face!!!!Nasib baik minah tu ringan.Dia letak cipap dia betul-betul dekat mulut aku.Aku pon jilat la dengan lahapnye.Dia goyang-goyangkan badan dia back and forth to stimulate her clit more.

We did that for about 5 minutes.Lepas tu aku pulak duduk atas muka dia.Wow…facesitting other people is REALLY fun.And then Suzy came with a can of whipped cream,and started sparying it all over her pussy and clit,lepas tu aku makan.Yummmmm sedappppp!!!!!!

Kristina muffled ‘I want some pussy cream’ underneath me.Aku ambik that whipped cream can from her and sprayed it on my cipap and let her eat it.Yumm…pussy cream became my fave food after that hehe.

Suddenly Suzy came with a bright idea.’Guys let’s masturbate OUTSIDE!!!!!’

Disebabkan kitorang dah terlalu horny,we all agreed.Lagipun macam mencabar jugak masturbate in public ni.You’d never know what would happen.So kitorang ambik our food dildos and went outside,right in her front yard.Disebabkan at that time it was still summer,so pukul 7.30 pm pon still cerah.And there we were,three young girls spreading their legs in the open and masturbating for everyone to see.

Muka sorang-sorang stim habis!We just loved it when joggers passed by,they either gave us funny faces,buat-buat tak nampak,or stopped and smiled.Aku dah tak kisah dah malu ke tak.Yang penting time tu aku rasa seronok sangat.And yang lagi best,at one point ada dua orang skater guys stopped,and came near us.One of them was REALLY hot.They were like,’Whoa whatcha girls doing?’

Suzy selamba je reply,’It’s obvious isn’t it?We’re having fun.’

‘I wish more girls have fun like you guys.’Diorang replied.And they stood there and watched us masturbate,sometimes giving a hand to help…aku sengaja tarik tangan that hot guy(his name was Drew,and ther one was Eric)to touch my hot horny pussy.Dia dengan seronoknye obeyed.Bukan setakat raba kelentit aku,dia siap cucuk-cucuk cipap aku dengan jilat lagi.Ahhh bestnyeee!!!!!

In the end kitorang just ajak diorang masuk rumah,and stripped them off.Konek masing-masing boleh tahan.Not too big,not too small.But Drew’s dick was a little hairy hehe.Takpe,sexy 🙂 We started sucking them and massaged their balls.Aku memang dah reserve Drew awal-awal.I really wanna fuck him.Tak kisah dah to whom I lose my virginity to.

Bila kitorang dah terlalu stim,we just asked them to plunge their dicks in us.I asked Drew to do it slowly sebab itu my first time.Yang bestnye my first time tak sakit langsung!Lagi sedap adala hehe.Konek dia best!!!Every 15 minutes kitorg tukar partner.Eric was pretty good.Kepala kote dia punya la besar….Kristina pulak buat aksi-aksi akrobatik dengan cipap dia yang super-flexible.Dia boleh masturbate dengan beer bottle…wow….Finally aku fuck dengan Drew sampai aku orgasm.Agghhhhhh my first orgasm was THE BEST!!!!I felt like my pussy was gonna explode or something.Sedap gile…and I found out that I squirt.hehe.At first macam pelik,eh,aku terkencing ke?Cos takde rasa nak kencing pon.But then Drew was like,’OMG you squirt!!!That’s fuckin hot!!!’

So yeah.I managed to squirt all over Drew’s tummy and dick,and Kristina sempat took a taste of it.Lepas tu Drew cummed all over my tits.Suzy helped to massage his huge balls so that dia keluarkan lebih banyak essence.Yummm…and then we went to help the others to climax.Aku usap cipap Suzy while she got fucked senseless by Eric,and at the same time Kristina facesat on her,trying to reach her own climax.Eric cummed all over our faces,some spilled on Suzy’s tummy.Pastu Eric and Drew continued to lick their pussies sampai dua-dua tu orgasmed.And then we just threw ourselves on the couch…keletihan…

And that was the best goddamn night ever for all of us.Semenjak hari tu aku dah gila sex and gila masturbate,and almost every week us three and the two guys would gather together somewhere to do our little naughty activity.

And I found out that I just LOVE showing my pussy to the public.Best 🙂

Ah..thinking bout that night is making my clit swollen rite now..I gotta go masturbate.Thanks for reading my little story.Hope you guys are creaming yourselves 🙂

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