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After School Tutoring

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Her room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

For years, I have known my best friend (let’s just call her “Candy” and she is a year younger than me) ever since first grade. We were close friends through thick and thin. We admired each other and treated each other like brother and sister. We were both open minded-talking about anything. I have never pictured her naked or fantasized about fucking her ever. I really cared for her and escorted her home everyday exactly 2:44 after school to her home. Her parents also trusted me enough to let me babysit her when they were gone (that and the fact I did it for free). We spent time playing video games, talking about each other’s dreams and nightmares, gazing at the night sky. I enjoyed walks with her, putting my arm around her waist. Everyone thought we were couple, but I just said that we were bestest of friends. But one day….
I was walking with her and I began noticing things I have never noticed. She had nice soft fragrant hair that began getting to my mind. I noticed her sensual body formation, smooth sweet curves, nicely formed breasts, and a hot tight ass. She was so beautiful and hot. To think, I’ve been with her all this time and never noticed it before. We met as usuall infront of her school and began taking our usual walk. But this was not the usuall walk we had every day. There was something about her body that drove me totally crazy about her. When I wrapped my arm around her back, resting my hand on her waist, her body was a bit more warmer than yesterday. I could feel her body heat seep into my arms as I began falling into a daze. I felt her lungs breath as I rested her more on my shoulder. The wind lifted her hair to my nose and the fragrance went directly to my head. I was getting dizzier by the moment. We reached the front of her house before I even knew it. She turned to me and began crying. I embraced her slowly, rubbing my hand up and down her spine, comforting her.
“What is wrong, Candy? Why are you crying?” I asked her.
“Its…. its…. its… just that.. that… everyone has been so mean to me today.” She said as she cried with her head resting on my shoulder. I felt her chest rub against me. She glanced into my eyes and something hit me really hard. A long for her, a need for her. I don’t know what came over me and made me french her straight on the lips. I carressed her back brushing her shoulders and spine with soft brushes of my finger tips. Her body against me made me grow more and more dazed and dizzier. Realiy around us faded as my tongue softly brushed through her lips. The tip of my tongue touched hers and I felt shocks all over my body as if it was an eternity for those few seconds that our tongues met. I felt her body relax with my hands brushing her hair. I began sliding my tongue slowly on her tongue as the world grows mute. I felt her arms embrace me as I felt her naked knees touch my knees. Wrapping my tongue around her tongue feeling and tasting her sweet breath. I fumbled with the keys (remember, her parents trusted me a lot enough to give me the key to their house.) and openned the door after a few tries. She grabbed me by the wrist and began leading me. Finally reaching her room, I sat down as she began taking her school uniform off infront of me. She quickly took off her shirt unbuttoning each one glancing into my eyes ever so often. Her skirt fell to the floor with a single move of her delicate hand. I was amazed and turned on by her amazing figure. Cotton white panty and matching bra. I frenched her against and she unbuttoned my pants. My boxers fell the moment my pants hit the floor. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I began rubbing my finger tips against her cunt. Touching her sex ever so lightly. The feeling was ever so intense and hot. Her panty was drenched and wet and smelled so unforgettably hot! She wiggled a little to help me take her panties off. I began kissing her feverously all over her neck. I pressed her against the wall and she rubbed her thighs up and down my legs. Suddenly, I felt her legs wrap around my waist. As my cock begin sliding in deeper and deeper in her untill… I felt her cherry against the head of my cock. I leaned her back and she placed her hands on my knees to support her, her head leaning back breathing deeply and moaning. I placed my hand on her pussy and felt a nub (I found out it was her clit a lot later on) I began rolling it and felt her body shiver. I kissed her neck and made my way to her bra covered breasts. I pulled the bra cups down and began sucking on her rock hard nipples. I clamped her other nipple with my thumb and middle finger, brushing the tip of her nipple with my index finger. I began pressing my cock in deeper and deeper slowly. Pressing against her cherry, then… her cherry popped as I began sliding my cock in deeper. I saw a couple of seconds of discomfort while I was sucking and licking her nipples. She was wincing from the pain but was moaning and screaming as I rolled her nub between my fingers faster and faster. I felt her juices sliding down my cock as it went deeper and deeper. I switched to her dry nipple and began sucking on it rubbing my tongue all over the tip from base to tip. I clamped and pinched her nipples harder then softer. I felt her pussy hugging and gripping and milking my cock. I quickly laid her on her bed and placed my hand next her head on the bed. I rubbed my cock all over her cunt and began sliding the head in and out at a slow pace. With her cunt milking and gripping on my cock, I placed my arm under her head and begin frenching her passionately as I completely slid my cock in. I placed my free hand rolling and playing with her clit. I came hard deeply in her pussy as we shook and shivered in ecstacy. We laid sideways carressing each other till we fell asleep.

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