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aidan and abbie

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: heron park
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

okay.. so my names aidan and im 16. last year i got invited down to the park with my good friend abbie, we had been friends a while and always had heart to heart chats. it was dark out, and the park was isolated. one of our heart to hearts was about virginity, and what it would be like if we lost it to eachother. i was up for it, i mean she was hot, but being a girl, she thought it was just a joke. i leaned in to kiss her, and shockingly, she kissed me back, i slid my large hand up her school skirt, and made my way into her pants, at first i just massaged her clit, which made her very horny, she seemed to enjoy it so i put my Finger up. she began moaning and groaning, this made me and her both want more. i felt it was time. i lifted up her skirt and pulled down her pants, whilst she undid my belt and lowered my trousers. i then got my huge penis out. i started to get off with her, and grind up her as we did so, i massaged her cliterous over and over, and eventually shoved my dick into her little red hole. i felt her cherry brake and she let out a yelp of both pain and pleasure. UH UH UH BABY.. she screamed. GIVE ME MORE BABY I NNEEED MORE. it seemed she was enjoying it. the next day, she died.

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