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ailebyu bebehhh!!

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: somewhere only we know. :P
Langauge: malay.
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

this happened not long ago. ngan boyfriend aku yg sgt2 aku syg.. seriously aku syg giler kat dye tauu!!
bf aku nih mmg ensem giler arr. hot, cute, anak dato. hehehehe… part anak dato tuh xkesa rr sebab aku pon anak dato gak. aku kenal dye pon through daddy aku. dad dye kwn dad aku. salu men golf sesame.. so bile ade openhouse whatsoever family kitorg salu meet ar.. aku anak tunggal. dye ade akak tp akak dye study luar negare.. aku dah la manje, nak manje ngan adek badek xde.. ngan mama pom kdg2 la.. ngan papa lg la. bz je memanjang.
bf aku penah ckp kat aku yg dye syg aku sbb aku baik & manje sgt kat dye.. dye plak caring gile2 kat aku! so mule la love story kitorg..

so, time tuh, the time i lost my virginity, it happened kat gnting highlands. umah kitorg kat kl.. tp time tuh kitorg 2 family gi oliday kat situ. tak dok hotel but apartment.. mama aku ngan mummy dye mmg besfren. dads kitorg ponn.. kitorg xpenah buat ape2.. plg2 pon hugging & frenching je..
dlm apartment tuu ade 3 rooms.. parents aku 1room, parents dye 1 room, & aku amek lg satu pasal aku pompan.. dye tido kat living room. hahaha kesian kan? parents kitorg tau kitorang couple & they think it’s sweet.. heheheheee
so one day, kitorang 4 org gi la kat atas tuh.. leh jln kaki je.. kat 1st world plaza tuh..parents ntah ilang gi mane tahh.. casino la kot. hahahaha ye la tuuu… tp diorg pesan “dont be later than 4am.” 4pg sioottt!! tak penah dpt curfew macamtu nyer lewat! plg pon 12am..
so memule aku ngan bf aku gi maen boling.. 2 game.. then kitorg gi jln2 kat 1st world plaza tuh.. pastu gi men indoor games.. dye blanje walaupon mama & daddy da bg rm300. tb2 baek hati plak diorg.. huhuhu.. so then kitorg gi makan kat kenny rogers. time tu la aku cair sgt2..
time tgh mkn, dye tenung aku lame2..aku tundok laa. segaannn! hahahaha.. then dye ckp..
“b, i dont know what u did to me..” kitorg mmg speaking je. adeeeehh..
then aku tanye la y?
“i dont know.. i just love u so much it hurts..” auwww… aku da nak nanges dah! cam org propose nak kawen pon ade gakk! padahal aku baru form 4 n dye form 5. hahaha..
then aku tatau, tb2 mulot aku otomatik ckp..
“if it hurts, then i think we should just breakup, shouldnt we?”
dye diam jap then dye kate “it hurts when i love u. but it’ll kill me if i dont. do u want me to die, angel?”
now that made ME stunned.
aku mintak maaf kat dye then aku kiss pp dye..
pas mkn, kitorg gi jln2 kat lua.. time tuh bru kul 11. sejuuukk.. then kitorg dok jap kat satu pondok ni.. aku ckp aku sejuk.. dye ckp dye pon.. then dye pelok aku.. stroking my hair.. i felt really comfortable that time.. aku pandang atas then kiss dye.. we start frenching.. lips dye sejuuuukk sgt..! & lg satu aku ske dye sbb dye xsmoke..
tongue dye ganas plakk malam tuu.. hehhee.. aku pon join skali la keganasan tersebot.. then aku ajak dye blk apartment.. tak elok kat sini.. kang tb2 org datang kang kantoii..
so smpai apartment, aku trk dye masok blk aku.. then kitorg smbung kiss blk.. he was on top of me. kat atas katil tuuhh.. single bed. kecik sgt. 😛 lame gak arr kitorg kiss.. stop pon pasal mummy dye call. then dye ckp our parents blk lg beberape jam.. adoiii..
so smbung kiss blk.. i sucked his tongue, he sucked mine.. we played with each other’s lips & tongue.. then it happened. for the 1st time, dye pgg boobs aku..
aku agak terkejot! dye tros bgn then ckp sorry byk2 kat aku..aku senyum je then said “its ok.” so dye wat lg..
dye ramas plakk.. aku suroh dye unzip sweater aku.. tp still xpuas lagi.. aku surohj dye bukak kemeje aku.. then tank top aku.. then baru bra.. hahahhaa byk plak. sejuk la katekan.. dye smakin mengganas! aku trase dick dye kat peha aku da keras.. then aku pgg.
dye terdiam jap then aku ramas2 bende tuh through lua seluar,, dye yg kesedapan unzip jeans dye, aku trk then trk boxer dye plak. good, im topless and he’s pantless. hehehe..
after a few mintes, dedue bogel. now tgn dye da kat pussy aku..dye masok2 kan jari dye,. aku da lenjun kat bwh tuhh.. lips kitorg still gigit-menggigit.. aku pgg dick dye, then aku rabe2 kat pussy aku..tgn dye skang kat boobs aku..
dye nak masokkan dick dye dlm pussy aku tp aku tanak.. aku xnak hilang dare time tuhh.. tp dye nak gak.. so aku bia kan.. iskkk sakit gilleerrrrr!!! aku tahan je time dick dye mengoyakkan bende yg aku pertahankan selame 16 years.. at least he took it. org yg aku syg.
lecup lecap lecup lecapp.. aku da moan sekuat hati!
dye ponn..
aku tah bape kali klimax. then tb2 dye trk kua.. time tuh aku jerit pasal cam rase pelik!
dye rupe2nye nak pancut tp takot aku pregnant. so dye pancut kat lua.. kitorg gelak then aku kulom dick dye.. aku ggt2.. isap.. after a few minutes, dye hard blk..
again, dye fuck aku lg skali.. the same thing happened. cume kali ni dye pancut lam mulot aku..
aku telan semue semen dye.. rase cam masin2 skett..
waahh bessssss..
then dye fuck aku lg 2,3 kali..
heheheheheee.. bess woaahh.
tp pas tuh dedue pancit.. kitorg brg jap..
kitorg pakai baju, then cover katel tuh ngan satu comforter lg.. then brg atas ktl.. dye seblah aku.. but ktl tuh kecik so dye ‘terpakse’ lah hug aku.. 😛
smpai tertido..

esok pg kitorg bgn je parents ngah bekfes lam apartment..
diorg senyum je. aku harap dorg tatau what happened. tak la kot. sbb byk kali da kitorg gi oliday, yg spatot nye bf aku tido tmpat len, tertido ngan aku. hehehhee..
so parents kitorg just ingat kitorg TIDO sesame je.

the end.

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