Where it happened: In A Field/At A Party
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Well it as about 10:30 pm.. i was wasted, drunk, hardly able to walk! I had to pee like mad! Well I got my pants off or down w/e, and i had needed help trying to get them up. well this kid was there, Tak, a couple nights before this techer party i told him that i wanted to fuck him really bad! So when i screamed and yelled that I needed help getting my pants up he came running up to help me, along with another guy that was there, Bryan. Little did I know that my pants werent going to go up.. they were going to come flying off. And when that happened I knew just what was foloowing that. Since it was my first time, and I was drunk, i was sort of excitied about it, yet alos scared that it was gonna hurt worse than any pain I had ever endured! I had sex with him, and it was the best that I have ever had! It was great, and I havent had sch good sex since him! I will always remember it, The date was September 8 2002. I will remember it because it was a traumatizing experiance for me. Even though I was excited to get rid of my virginity I was still afraid that something scary bad would happen! Luckly it didnt.! Now i feel better that I have revealed it! thanks!