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Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: Honeymoon
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

As you can probably gues from where it happened, I was a virgin when I married my wife. Still am married to her, too.
Now it wasn’t totally by choice that my wife married a virgin. I would say time and chance had a lot more to do with it. I was bron into a family with no sisters. All female relatives were either too far away or too old. I also was a “late bloomer” and didn’t really become interested in “girls” until I was a high school senior. Matter of fact, I was a “nerd” through and through.
Oh, there was one time toward the end of my senior year when a friend who was a girl (she wasn’t a girlfriend in the usual sense) set me up with one of the high school free and easy kinds. (I was so naive I didn’t suspect I was set up until my friend told me later.) We ended up after a few weeks on the front seat of my car. She was mostly undressed. I was fully dressed. I plaed with her breasts and stuck my middle finger into her vagina (going on instict here), but I assumed SHE was supposed to undress ME. When she didn’t, I finally called a halt to it. She dropped me instantly. I forgot her name years ago.
I also had a burning love for a girl in my high school class. I loved her, and I think she loved me, but communication between us was so confusing she gave me up for another man while I was in college. We had several opportunities to have sex, but all we ever did was give each other a few quick kisses on the lips twice while saying “goodbye.”
So, I was completely in the dark about sex with women when I got married. I had read the usual instruction manuals. But reading is one thing — doing is entirely another. We got married in the morning, and by night we were in our hotel room on our honeymoon. She was nervous. I was nervous. We tried to act as if were were just “getting ready for bed,” but I knew that this would be the first time in my life that I would actually try to have sex with a woman. And this would be the first woman other than my mother and grandmother (and nurses, etc., but you know what I mean) who would see me naked. Yes, I was embarrassed. So was she.
I remember seeing her come out of the motel bathroom and rounding the corner to where I could see her. I was sitting in my pajamas on the bed on the left side (by chance, but it’s the same side I sleep on to this day). She was wearing a fluffy red nightie that came halfway down to her knees. Her body showed her nervousness. With quick moves she turned off the bathroom light and jumped into bed, almost hoping that I didn’t see her. We turned off the lights.
Now we lay together for a few moments. I was wondering exactly what to do. After all, I didn’t want to rush into it. I figured a woman wants some romance first, some tender words or hugs. But I was feeling anything but romantic. I don’t think she felt very romantic, either. We were expected to have sex now. But neither of us really wanted to. It meant that this marriage was now, after all, REAL. Up until this moment, the day had been filled with activity. The wedding preparations, the wedding itself, the receptions, the trip, unpacking. Now, it was all done. We were alone. It was quiet. No more diversions. No more excuses. Now we would do something that would link us inseperably for the rest of our lives. And a guy just doesn’t rush into these life-changing moments romantically!
Well, I don’t remember who it was, but one of us must have turned to the other. Probably I was the one. We started hugging and kissing. After a few minute I removed her nightie and I took off my pajamas. (This time I didn’t wait for her to do it.) She didn’t move very much. She seemed to wait for me to make the motions. So I kissed her some and played with her breasts almost mechanically. Because we didn’t want children right away, we had bought condoms. Neither of us knew the first thing about using them, but I got one on. So now, besides being nervous and embarrassed and worried for my new bride, I had about 50% of all sensation cut off by the condom.
I finally found exactly where to put my penis (with her help) and put it in. I suppose it’s no surprise that I was greatly disappointed. In fact, I had so little sensation that I didn’t even reach orgasm. I pumped and thrust until we were both exhausted, and I finally gave up. I was so devastated by my performance that I actually wept softly in my wife’s arms and apologized. We kisssed, dressed, and went to sleep without another word.
The rest of the honeymoon was more of the same at night. It got better when my wife used a cream and I could stop using the condoms on the fourth day. And it got even better when both my wife and I discovered that she could have an orgasm, too, after we were married two months. (Again, we had read about them, but you don’t know until you experience what it is you’re supposed to feel.)
We’ve gotten very good at sex over the years. Some times are better than others. And we’ve slowed down a lot now. But was it worth being a virgin groom? It was hard learning the ropes, but I learned them all with my life partner. Everything we’ve learned about sex, we’ve learned from each other. Sex can’t help but make emotional attachments. I’m not in bed with her with my mind wandering to other sexual encounters. I’ve been absolutely faithful to her throughout our marriage, and she to me. I don’t lay awake at night wondering if I have an STD, or if some day some young person will ring my doorbell and announce that her or she is my child. I won’t be pursued by a maniacal husband or ex-boyfriend. And I will continue to look into the lovely face of my wife with the pure contentment of an unspoiled love.

As I said at the beginning of this, I was lucky. Those aren’t things you can buy. But they can be lost forever so easily.

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