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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: beach house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it had been ages since we last saw each other, he had moved to boarding school more than a year before and yet it was in that time that we became closer than ever. according to a friend, we had perfected the art of online flirting. so when he told me that he planned to visit, i was ecstatic.

he arrived on a wednesday, and i spent the whole thursday with him. just watching movies and eating and basically just talking together. we caught up on old times, he told me of everything that had happened back in boarding school and i informed him on the interesting bits of my life here. he was so sweet and funny, i felt my old crush growing back again. i had known all the months that he was gone that i wasn’t completely over him, but i denied it continuosly. but it was impossible to deny once i had been with him for long enough.

for friday, we had planned a trip to the beach. he picked me up early that morning and drove the whole two hours to the beach. by the time we got to the beach, it was noon and we settled down to a nice lunch at the nearest mcdonalds. the afternoon was amazing. we swam and suntanned. his body was that of a greek god, his chiseled muscles glistening in the water. he teased me endlessly, proclaiming that i was “trying to be a model” in my bikini. but in truth, i was secretly hoping to impress him.

as the sun began to set, we decided to head into the beach house (he borrowed it from his aunt). i took the downstairs bathroom to change, but just as i reached for the door of the bathroom, he grabbed for it too. we ended up wrestling on the ground, legs tangled upon each other, fingers tickling one another. just as we stopped giggling, i was nestled comfortably on top of him, he kissed me. we began making out. his hands slipping up and down my back, i could taste the salt water in his mouth. and all of a sudden, i pulled back. “alex, i cant.” i mumbled and dashed into the bathroom.

i took a long hot shower, trying to think of what could happen later on. when i finally got out, i realized i had no clothes in the bath room. in my towel, i tiptoed around the house to look for my bag. as i entered the room, i saw him. lying down in only his boxers, reading a book. “i, uh, need my…” i began to speak. he reached over and picked up my bag. he smiled.

i walked over to him and reached for it, and just as i did, he reached for my towel. “alex nooooo!” i squealed as he pulled it off. as i reached for my towel, i loss balance and landed on top of him. i wriggled about to get up, but i was still wet from the shower and i only slid across his body more. i heard him moan. i stopped all movements and looked straight into his eyes.

he kissed me again, this time i didnt pull back. i kissed him with everything i had felt for him in the past few years. i kissed his mouth, his jaw, his neck, his ears. he licked my neck and my collar bone. his mouth began searching for my breasts. i slithered on top of him, until my leg felt his cock. it was so solid. i realized what i was about to do and sat up straight. i couldnt.

“no.” he demanded. “you cant back out now.”

“i dont know if im ready…” i replied.

“i love you.. i always have.. ive been dreaming of this for years now..” he trailed off and began kissing my belly.

“stop” i whimpered. his hands grabbed my butt and pulled me closer to him. “stop.” i whispered. he flipped me over, my back bounced off the mattress. his kisses trailed to my belly button ring. “stop.” i mumbled. his hands slowly massaged my thighs as his tongue licked further down. “stop” i moaned. his fingers reached my opening. slowly he began to rotate his finger outside my whole. my whole body shook.

“do you still want me to stop?” he asked, looking up at me. i bit my lip and shook my head. he continued to move his fingers. he pushed one fingertip in, i felt my muscles clench. he pushed slowly began moving his fingers in and out in a steady rhythm. slow and very gentle. “tell me if it hurts”

all of a sudden he pushed the length of another finger in, and it hurt. i yelped in pain. he stopped everything, and moved back up so his face was by mine. “baby, are you okay?” i had tears in my eyes. i knew he had broken my hymen. he kissed my eyes, then my cheeks, all the while running his hands up and down my body.

i reached for his face and caressed it slowly. then i began to kiss him. i knew there would be no more pain now. just passion. i kissed him with wild abandon. our hands were grabbing at each other. his at my chest, mine at his boxers. he helped me slip them off and soon he was naked on top of me.

i could feel him spread my thighs with his knee. he touched my opening once again, and again, i shook. he entered me slowly. inch by inch, until i though i could take no more. then just as i could feel all of him inside me, he began to move. there was still a slight pain, but it felt so good. i found it harder and harder to kiss him. i bit his lip by accident. he placed one arm behind my back to draw me closer. i could hear him moaning my name. i began to feel hotter and hotter. i wanted more of him. i needed more of him.

i wrapped my legs around his waist, and he looked at me in surprise. “harder” i begged. he moved faster and slammed himself into me. it hurt, i was still so tender down there. but it felt so good. and just when i thought i could take no more, i came. it was the strongest orgasm ever. and just as i entered reality again. he came inside me.

our breathing was short and we were both gasping for air as he collapsed on top of me. he kissed me gently.

“i really did mean it when i said i love you.” he said.

i smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

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