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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: School trip to Argentina
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I lost my virginity last year.. My class took a trip to Argentina last year for Spanish immersion, so I stayed with a host family and all, and each day we’d go for some time to our host student’s school, etc. most of our mornings would be spent there, then we’d go sightseeing around Buenos Aires as a group with teachers, and finally have the afternoons and evenings to hang out with our hosts entirely in Spanish. Anyway, Iago was my friend Ty’s exchange student, and friends with my host girl, so we ended up being around each other a lot. All my girlfriends were so crazy about him, as he was simply gorgeous. He was kind of aloof, yet flirted with every girl around him. To my greatest surprise, he became interested in me for some time. He was around my height but a little taller, and had dark brown hair and light hazel eyes. They always seemed to sparkle a little more whenever he laughed at my lame attempts at Spanish jokes, or  complimented me. He had an amazing voice and couldn’t speak a word of English, so there were times when we had to make these extravagant gestures at one another. Anyway, it was cute. My host girl told me he was interested, so I reciprocated. Our second to last night in Buenos Aires, all of us went on a scheduled outing to teatro ciego, which was at once a dinner place and “blind theater spectacle.” So I sat at the table with him and Ty and my friend Katherine when I felt him brush my shoulder. He said to me in spanish that he wanted to ditch the show with me. I couldn’t understand half of it, and it was going to take another three hours so I figured I wouldnt risking getting caught leaving a darkened space with someone who knew the city so well. We ended up taking a short bus ride over to his apartment, where his parents clearly weren’t home. I didn’t think twice about the motives of this, as I had been drinking a little before and wanted to make the best of the last 2 nights here. I thought we were going to kiss, and we did..in fact, we made out for a good half hour. He tasted a bit like cigarettes, but I didn’t care. This was beautiful. The apartment was dark and we were sitting on his living room couch. He asked me if I wanted to “try something” in English and right then I knew what he meant. But at this point, we were really into the making out, and really wanted to continue. So I let him undo my shirt and lift up my skirt. There was an awkward point where he got up and left, but thankfully he came back with a condom. While he was rummaging around for one, I just sat there with my skirt up halfway freaking out about what I knew would happen. I was thinking, “woa, I can’t believe this..” the entire time. But anyway, he got on top of me, unzipped his jeans, put on the condom, and things….went from there. Even though it was dark, I felt him go inside of me pretty quickly. It hurt at first, and I felt this burning sensation. But we sort of adjusted ourselves and it became easier. It was clear he had done this before, because I suddenly felt this warmth build, and it just got better and better. I figured out how to respond to his movements, and we both felt pleasure on the second try. But i was still sort of clumsy and we almost fell off the couch as he came. The whole thing lasted about an hour, and I hurt quite a bit after. I ended up throwing my underwear in my purse, and we sort of had to rush back to the teatro together before the show ended. He told me I was “linda” and an amazing girl, and was necking me on the bus back. I just remember being in this daze, wanting to stay with him forever, to stay one with him. I guess having sex with him forged this strong emotional bond, and so for a long time, I couldn’t stop thinking about him and what happened between us after we left. We kind of parted awkwardly that evening, but we hung out the next day. I kind of hurt from the previous night, but we had sex again at my host girl’s house and I orgasmed for the first time. It ha to have been the most powerful feeling of comfort and release i had ever experienced.  Because of the noise we made, my host girl kind of knew what we were up to, but was happy for us. 

When I left Argentina, iago kissed me before flight check-in, in front of the other host students and my friends one last time. We’ve skyped some since then, but he’s moved on to other girls according to Clara (my host girl). It was hard to deal with that after we’d been so intimate, but I came to face the fact. looking back, I realize how lucky I was not for anything to have gone seriously wrong (I got my period a week or so later, thank god). That aside, I will always keep this experience close to my heart, taking only the good of the short time i enjoyed with this guy. 

So, that’s how it happened. 🙂

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