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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: his place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok, so my first time was only a few days ago… My birthday, April 1st. (yeah, I’m an April Fool 😉 ) My boyfriend, Max, decided that he was going to throw me a party. But when I got to his place when he told me to be there, no one was there. Confused, asked him,
“Where is every one…? Today is the party, right?”
“Well, your party. See, my parents aren’t here. They went paintballing. So we got the place to ourselves. Wanna watch a cool movie my parents had me watch?”
I had to admit it. As far as parents go, his were pretty damn awesome. They were like over sized kids. It was great. But awkward sometimes, because often when Max and I hang out in his room, you could hear them screwng eachother. And their room was two floors down from Max’s room.
“Sure. What’s it about…?” I replied.
“You’ll see…” he said with a wink.
We’ve been going out for about a year, and fooled around, but never gone the whole way. We almost did once, but then his mom walked in, and spoiled the moment. Not like she cared. She ran in to her husband and practically yelled in his face,
Max put the movie in, and it was a porno. I turned and looked at Max, and he looked at me and said
“Well, I thought I’d make you an official woman. Just being 18 doesn’t make you a woman, you know.”
I laughed out loud at how just like him this was. In my most seductive voice (which Max told me later sounded like a seal that sucked helium) I told him
“Well, then little boy, lets fix you up too…” as I leaned in to kiss him. As I did this, my hand accidentally brushed against his penis.
“Well aren’t you moving fast, my little kitten,” he purred. “I thought the I would have to make the first move”
as he picked me up and laid me on his bed.
I laughed and said “Well, you can expect my normal brand of sexiness, hon.”
“Take off your shirt” he told me while he laughed.
“You want it off so bad, then you do it…” I whispered in his ear as a reached down to free his erection from his jeans.
Only, he stopped my hand and whispered,
“With your teeth…” as he nibbled my ear.
I moaned both in pleasure and exasperation as I leaned down and grabbed the zipper of his pants with my teeth, and gently pulled it down. He grunted as my face slide down his penis.
We shared a passionate glance and in the next second, we ripped off eachothers clothes and laid there, drinking in eachothers bodies with our eyes. With an intense hunger in his eyes, he asked me a simple question that was extremely easy to answer-‘top or bottom?’.
“Bottom… then top…” I said.
“Hell yeah, thats my girl” he said laughing.
He put his hand on my thigh, and slowly inched his way to my wet, throbbing vagina. As he got closer, his penis got harder and harder until he said
“Alice, put the condom on me… you are definitely ready.”
“Ok…” I have to admit- I was a bit nervous, but as soon as I touched his erection, passion over came the hesitance.
“One more thing Alice..” he said, “If it hurts you, you tell me to stop, ok? I will stop.”
“…Ok” I replied, knowing I wouldn’t.
He got on top of me and positioned himself over my ready and waiting vagina. He kissed me and said
“Say goodbye to your virginity, Alice… Say it as loud as you want.”
Max laughed and then slowly pushed his hard erection into me. I gasped at how much it actually did hurt, and then quickly said
“Max, I want you to fuck me like you will never fuck anyone ever again. When I orgasm, I want to be a puddle of slutty goo…”
And I meant it.
And he did. He grinned from ear to ear and thrust, in and out, in and out, and warmth and ecstacy spread from my vagina to the depths of my belly, and I moaned, and groaned, and screamed Max’s name, and he did the same. I could feel the my pleasure mounting to the point where I knew I was going to burst, and I screamed
And it happened… orgasmed for the first time in my life, and boy oh boy was it surprising. My body shook and went limp and my body tingled, and I was in heaven- absolute ecstacy. Shortly after I went limp, Max climaxed and came inside the condom, and I felt it expand,and again, my body filled with ecstacy.
“Max…” I moaned “You did it. I’m a piled of goo, and I’m sooo satisfied…”
“Alice, let’s wait ’til tomorrow for you to have your way with me… I’m exhausted. You really know how to please me. You sure I’m your first?” he joked
“Good idea… and yeah. I’m sure.” I laughed.
We kissed, and in a short while dozed off while the porno was still playing.
One thing’s for sure-They didn’t look any where NEAR as happy and please and estatic as we were. 🙂

Thanks for reading, and get your freak on. 😉 I am, right now! (Btw, Max says hi to all you readers and he hopes that his parents dont read this soon. He stll hasn’t told them that he’s my man-whore. 😉 )

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