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Where it happened: Workplace
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 16 when I first had sex. I remember like it was yesterday. I’ve was always the quiet girl at school but also at work…my boss, Bill was an hot 35 year old, 6’5 and muscular man who always took care of me at work.

I remember when I walked into work and when I walked into the office to put my stuff away. He was standing there shirtless….I froze and he smiled as i stared at him for a few mintures.

Not knowing what to do, I dropped my bag and quickly lefted the office, heading to my work station.

All in all the day went really well and we made a lot of money too. However when I was alone in the staff kitchen (everyone had left for the night), cleaning the dishes, Bill walked in – I quickly turned away and tried to leave but he grabbed my wasit, pulling me towards where he whispered “Alice…Ive noticed uvre been staring at me for awhile now, so tell me…Do u love me?”

I panic, blurring out “Ive been in love with you for a year” thats all he needed, he kissed me, fitting me up onto the table…I was so wet as he opened my thighs but I pushed him away, whispering “Bill wait. I’m a virgin”.

He smiled, sliding his hands up my skirt “Its ok babe. I’ll be gentle. There is no one here, I wanna make you scream”…

After he pulled my panties off, he reached for a condom in his back pocket.

I smiled as he unziped his jeans and pulled out his huge 9 inchs hard as rock dick, it was so thick with a large head.

My breath quicken as he kissed me, I felt him push the tip of his dick in my tight pussy. I moaned in pain has he smiled, moaning “Oh babe your so tight…holy fuck yes”.

I tried pushing him off me cuz it hurt so much but he refused putting all his weight on me as he tried to go deeper…I felt like my body was being split in 2’s

Tears were streaming from my face as I cried, digging my nails into his back…he was pounding me, he was grunting and constantly saying “Oh babe your so tight. Scream daddy’s name”

This lasted for an hour an a half when he finally came inside me with a lould moaning, screaming my name as he let go of him legs, letting them dangle from the table.

He then stood up and put the condom in the bin, zipped up his jeans and kissed me…

Bill and I are now married since im nw 23, even though he is still my boss. We have a really nice house together and a beautfil daughter, Ruby

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