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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: At his house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So this happened the second time I’d stayed over at his house – and the second time we’d slept in the same bed. The first time we just made out and stuff, because we had no protection and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna get pregnant.
Second time… hah, he must have been anticipating this shit because he bought some.
I’m gonna be honest…. it was freaking good. Even though it took a while to, um, get it in (kind of awkward) we finally did, and yup, it felt really nice after the initial pain. Well it was still painful, but it was a good pain.
He SAID he was a virgin, but I have no idea, because he was really good at it?
Then we did it another three times…. hormonal teenagers that we are. 😛

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