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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Allright, well my first time sucked, and i mean really sucked.
it was spring brake 2007. lame. i was kinda seeing this guy but he wouldnt liek ask me out, be we did sexual things together. a week befor it happened i was at this land party ( a WOW (world of warcraft) part, my and my friend were the only girst there out of a group of like 13 guys) wow right. anyway, they went into the back room got all drunk came out, tate(guy who i was seeing) came and cuddled with me on the couch, and he made this lame ass excuse to go to the back room. se we did and were making out and stuff, touching, feeling eachother up all that good jazz. anyway he gets my turnd on a little and he sarted o touch me down ther and i said no, so we didnt have sex, but he was as horny as idk! but i felt bad so i slept with him (cuddle not sex) and ya it was all fine and dandy, then a week later, were all at his house, hes pressuring me into it, i felt bad about it befor and my friend was having sex with her bf in the other room so i was liek why not. i might as well right?
so we go to his room hes playing obsurd music to have sex to, Matallic, i love matallica but not when im having sex, right! anyways we tart to cuddle and take the cloths off and such all the feeling jazz shit, and well i ddint touch him thank god!! hallynew ya! 😀 but anywasy, well he went to get his “bannan favored condom” awkward, ! and well were going at it and man dose it hurt!
sad thing its he was so limp i couldnt feel much. no pleasure what so ever.
so i told hi to get off me after like 10 mins. he didnt get off poor him he had to go masterbate in the bathrrom. hahah o well.
now that i look at it, i wish i didnt have sex with him. it was so not worth it and i havent had sex in almost a year, sux so bad. !!!

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