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Almost Rape

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: grocery store
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 16 at the time. I was closing up the store when my 23 year old manager came up behind me and began flirting with me while still putting some things up here and there. I didn’t flirt back because I just wanted to go home. We were in one of the isles and I was putting up some peanut butter. Eventually the whole area was filled and we still had some cases of peanut butter left over so I got up and walked to the back with it and he helped to. I thought he was just being nice, but when we got to the back he asked me to go inside his office, which was further in the back to get something out his drawer. He said it was my payment for the week, and I thought “Okay cool. I get paid early.” So I walked to the back with his key in his hand, not realizing he was locking the door to the back behind me until I reached the door then realized I didn’t know what key to use. I turned around and saw him walking towards me, and saw the door over there was locked. I knew if it was locked there was no other way out, so I asked him why he locked it. He said we’ll need it locked for now. I thought to myself, “Okay, weird.” He took the keys out my hand and opened the door, and pushed me inside. Right then I knew something was going on. I walked over to his desk to appear calm; mind you he was my manager I didn’t want to get fired. I opened the drawer and found an envelope. I picked it up and found no money in it, but pictures of a lot of girls I had never seen before, until I saw the last picture. It was a picture of me. Then I began to freak out a bit. I asked him what this was all about, was he trying to just scare me for fun? He said no. “I love you, Hannah.” This freaked me out completely. I threw the envelope on his desk and took out my cell phone to call the cops. He rushed forward and grabbed the cell phone quickly pressing end before I could punch the talk button and he threw it to the other side of the room. He put his hand in my hair and said again, “I love you, Hannah” and began kissing me. I was completely scared, and tried fighting, but I knew he was a lot stronger than I, and he had the keys to get out. I thought if I could just to through with kissing him he might let me go home and I just wouldn’t come back, but no, that wasn’t the case. As I was thinking this he ran his hand up my button up white shirt, which we are all required to wear. He began unbuttoning the top all the way to the bottom. I broke away from his mouth and told him to stop, but he just smiled and said no. Then he grabbed my breast which was still in its bra, but he took care of that problem. A quick push up and they were off my breasts but still on my chest. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Don’t run away and I’ll let you live.” Now I was completely scared and knew I had to get out, but with him threatening my life I thought I could just let him do whatever then tell my parents and they would take care of it. My breathing went a lot quicker and I think he felt that was a good sign, but of course it was fear causing it, not excitement. He reached his hand around me and unhooked my bra and threw it across the room, then ripped my shirt off throwing it as well. He then told me to unzip my jeans but I said no and he shrugged his shoulders and he went down and unzipped them. I was so scarred I didn’t move. He made me lay down on with my back touching the cold floor and he slid my jeans completely off, which made my shoes come off as well. He pushed them far away from me and came back kissing my breasts. While playing with my nipples he reached down and slowly removed my white thong panties down my legs, and then he went down to my ankles and took them off and began kissing up my legs slowly. So I was completely naked except for some socks that were still on my feet, and my necklace that I always wore was still on my neck. He was getting very close to my thighs then looked up at me and said, “no more slow things baby.” I was still scared for I was never naked in front of a guy nor in this position and so I remained still and silent. He then began kissing my legs again but this time went a lot faster and reached my pussy in no time. He put his hand on it and tickled my clitoris really fast, causing me to jerk and my breathing quickened once again. Then he stood up and undressed really quickly and was back tickling my clitoris once again. I had never seen a dick in real life before and so at first I was not sure what it was but then I knew in the same moment. It looked so big to me, I was afraid it would rip me or something, and then he caught me starring at it. “It’s 9 inches baby.” He smirked and came down and whispered in my ear “It’s hard and ready for you. Just for you.” He made me grab it and it was very hard but soft at the same time. He kneeled over my stomach, with his dick in front of my mouth and shoved it in my mouth. I did not do anything and he rolled his eyes and took it back out, mumbling something I couldn’t quite understand. All this time I was keeping my legs closed tightly so maybe he would just forget the whole ordeal and stop, but no he kept on doing things to me that were not what I wanted at all. He slid his hand up my legs and reached my pussy again and tickled my clitoris which caused me to jerk again and my legs opened a little bit and he quickly put his legs between mine in a kneeling position, and so it was easier for him to spread them apart. He smirked at me and began to let the tip of his dick touch my clitoris a few times then and slowly began a rocking motion which caused his dick to slide in very slowly, in and out. Each time he rocked in it went in a little further and further, but the difference was so small I barely noticed until after he rocked quite a few times. Finally when I thought this wasn’t so bad, he shoved it into me which made me scream, and he took it as a scream of pleasure but it was not. The pain was horrible and I was so scared. He began pushing his dick in and out of me real fast and he pushed it in so deep I never thought something could be that deep inside me. He started to play with my clitoris again which caused me to jerk which made his dick go in even deeper. I thought I was going to burst, the amazing feeling I began to feel. The pain went away and it began feeling so good. I told him that we needed to stop but he said no. He began doing it faster which felt so amazing. The feeling was rushing through me like fire in my veins. I was moaning and screaming, which I didn’t want to be doing. So here I was, a 16 year old high school girl with my 23 year old manager fucking me with his thick and hard 9 inch dick. After 20 minutes or so I began to feel, almost raw or something down inside me and I could tell he was getting tired. After all it had been a long day there at the store. He pulled it out slowly and crawled a little closer to me and places his dick on my flat stomach. I did not know what his intentions were until some white creamy liquid came shooting out of his dick onto my breasts. I freaked out not knowing what it was and he told me what it was, he could finally tell that I had not done any of this before. He helped me clean up and he slowly put my clothes back on gently. As I was walking out, still a little dizzy from not believing what had just happened, he told me by the door, “Until next time.” And the next night we fucked more. We lasted about a week or so but soon my mom found out and I have never seen him again. It was a scary first time, considered rape to most, but i’m happy he did what he did because now i know what to expect from men and my mom would have never told me about any of it anyways.

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