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Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: Church
Langauge: latin(english)
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok umm…so i was walking down the aisle to praise god for my family and my church, and when i reached the alter the priest told me that he would like me and my friend brian to stay after communion so we could pray together. after communion i put my regular clothes on and went to go meet the priest with brian. so when we got there the prist told us that real good christian boys always obey their pastors and congregation leaders, and to further press our love of christ, he told us that we were going to make a religios praying circle, and to do this, we had to remove our clothing and set our rosaries outside the door. after we did he told us to get on our knees with out heads on teh floor to being the praying, and he would do it behind us, and not to yell or scream, because the feeling in our butts would be the love of god pressing in us. it hurt soo bad that me and brian cried while it as happening, then suddenly he had us turn around while he put his ‘thing’ in our mouths to get what the real prayer oil was. so we took it in and swallowed it, and he gave us cookies and milk afterwards to take the taste from our mouthes. we got our rosaries on the way out.

it wasnt till later that i found out how abused we were, and now we won a settlement that got me lots of money…praise god

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