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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

We’d been going out for 11 months and I believe we were truly in love. We’d tried to have sex before, but it being our first time didn’t help the nerves. My parents were asleep when we got back from a party and we decided we would try. We started by cuddling and kissing but it soon became full blown making out. He got hard pretty quickly and a good fast hand job got him moaning in pleasure. He squeezed my breasts and his hand finally found its way down between my legs. He rubbed and stroked, pleasuring me until I orgasmed. Then we agreed that we were ready and I pulled a condom out from the draw. I held it on his cock as he rolled it down. He climed on top of me and I covered his rock hard cock in lube. He parted my legs and I guided his cock into me. It was an amazing feeling to have him inside me, though it hurt at first and I had to tell him to slow down. After about 5 minutes he was moving in and out without any pain. We fucked for a good half an hour in this position (I don’t know how he lasted that long!) and then changed to me on top. I put my hands on his knees and lent back, feeling his cock move up and down inside me. It was amazing!
We’ve had sex 3 times that night and 5 times since then…and thats been one week!
I can see us being together forever 🙂

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience